დიდ სახელმწიფოთა მეტოქეობა საერთაშორისო პოლიტიკაში: აშშ-ს როლი ჩინეთ-იაპონიას შორის არსებულ დაპირისპირებაში სენკაკუს/დიაოიუ დაოს კუნძულების გარშემო
Date Issued
The subject of this paper is Sino-Japanese territorial dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Dao
islands and the role of USA in this dispute. The three major powers in the world- China, Japan
and USA are involved in this dispute and that’s the reason of the importance of this Master thesis.
These countries want to maintain their place in International System and to gain more power.
USA involvement in this territorial dispute defines the dynamics of this dispute. Using different
means to reach state’s own national interests- it is the reason of USA’s involvement in that and
its support to Japan.
The main goal of this research paper is to study about the Interests of three major powers
in East Asia region and to know about USA’s involvement in Senkaku/Diaoyu Dao islands
There are several tasks defined to research this issue and to reach the main goal. These
directions are: studying the origins of this dispute, Sino-Japanese relations, also the behaviour of
USA in Sino-Japanese dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Dao islands, which are connected to
USA’s main interests- maintain status-quo and staying as strong power in the region.
islands and the role of USA in this dispute. The three major powers in the world- China, Japan
and USA are involved in this dispute and that’s the reason of the importance of this Master thesis.
These countries want to maintain their place in International System and to gain more power.
USA involvement in this territorial dispute defines the dynamics of this dispute. Using different
means to reach state’s own national interests- it is the reason of USA’s involvement in that and
its support to Japan.
The main goal of this research paper is to study about the Interests of three major powers
in East Asia region and to know about USA’s involvement in Senkaku/Diaoyu Dao islands
There are several tasks defined to research this issue and to reach the main goal. These
directions are: studying the origins of this dispute, Sino-Japanese relations, also the behaviour of
USA in Sino-Japanese dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Dao islands, which are connected to
USA’s main interests- maintain status-quo and staying as strong power in the region.
MA Thesis. Bokhua dip.pdf
დიდ სახელმწიფოთა მეტოქეობა საერთაშორისო პოლიტიკაში: აშშ-ს როლი ჩინეთ-იაპონიას შორის არსებულ დაპირისპირებაში სენკაკუს/დიაოიუ დაოს კუნძულების გარშემო
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