სოციალურად დაუცველი მოსახლეობის პრობლემატიკის გაშუქება ტელევიზიაში
Date Issued
The target of the research is to identify the tendencies of broadcasting issues concerning socially vulnerable population in TV-media. During years, independence rank of the media has been extremely low in Georgia. Each media subject, TV-show or article tended to be based and tendentious. Nowadays, the media environment in Georgia has improved in comparison with previous years. However, media is still not entirely free from political influences. My field of interest is to identify tendencies in broadcasting issues in TV-media that concern socially vulnerable population (Georgian public broadcaster, ,,Rustavi 2'', ,,Ertsulovneba'') and to find out, whether media broadcast is politically influenced or not. According to the research target, I have set following tasks:
Analysis of basic news programs;
Identifying the attitude of media experts and population towards broadcasting the issues of socially vulnerable population;
The evaluation of relevance of broadcasted subjects and reality (comparison of subject plot and accounts of the Public Defender)
In my research I have used both qualitative and quantitative research methods: quantitve content analysis, discourse analysis, mass surveys, in-depth interview. As a result it has turned out that ,,rustavi 2'' and ,,ertsulovneba'' are the most biased televisions, they both show different, but only one side of the story, from one point of view. According to the results, nowdays the most objective and politically independent is Georgia public broadcaster.
Analysis of basic news programs;
Identifying the attitude of media experts and population towards broadcasting the issues of socially vulnerable population;
The evaluation of relevance of broadcasted subjects and reality (comparison of subject plot and accounts of the Public Defender)
In my research I have used both qualitative and quantitative research methods: quantitve content analysis, discourse analysis, mass surveys, in-depth interview. As a result it has turned out that ,,rustavi 2'' and ,,ertsulovneba'' are the most biased televisions, they both show different, but only one side of the story, from one point of view. According to the results, nowdays the most objective and politically independent is Georgia public broadcaster.
MA-Thesis.Mzhavanadze kultura.pdf
სოციალურად დაუცველი მოსახლეობის პრობლემატიკის გაშუქება ტელევიზიაში
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