კიბერდანაშაული და კიბერტერორიზმი XXI საუკუნის მთავარი საფრთხე
Date Issued
The presented bachelor`s work examines the forms of revealing an international terrorism and emerge of cyber terrorism, as the demonstration of one of international terrorism types.
In modern world, the terrorism issue presents one of the main challenge for international security. Nowadays the mentioned problem has taken the biggest attention, which is caused by the fact, that the terror itself, as one of the methods of the fight is widely used throughout the world and it covers the huge scales.
One of the most significant among the demonstration of terrorism and one of the main challenge for the modern world is cyber terrorism.
As every state could be the victim of cyber terrorism, thus the settlement of the said issue needs the agreed action of different states.
Cyber security covers all those fields of activity of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia, where the IT is being used, regardless of projecting the military / defense operations, arranging the military trainings, logistical support, etc. in order to ensure the unity, availability and timely sharing of the information.
The cyber space is the complex existed in the interconnection of informational and technological infrastructure, where the global internet and telecommunication networks are covered, also the computer systems, turned processors, servers and controlling devices, which are used in different fields of the industry.
Alongside with developing technologies there are increasing the threats as well, which deal a big damage to cyber space and its users. The state and authoritative bodies first of all are interested to ensure the national security, to protect the critical information and informational infrastructure from foreign states, non-governmental subjects and groups, in order to prevent the stealing or / and transferring of necessary information, network damage or / and total demolition.
As a result of research, there are shown, that cyber terrorism, like one of the types of international terrorism is one of the main challenge and the threat for the world and for our country as well, which personally became the object of cyber-attack during the August, 2008 war. According to the existed opinions, those properties are analyzed, according to which the local and international experts assign to the mentioned war with the status of “cyber-war”. There are reviewed and discussed those document of state policy and strategy, which ensure to prevent from such cyber-terrorist attacks and there are raised the relevant conclusions.
In modern world, the terrorism issue presents one of the main challenge for international security. Nowadays the mentioned problem has taken the biggest attention, which is caused by the fact, that the terror itself, as one of the methods of the fight is widely used throughout the world and it covers the huge scales.
One of the most significant among the demonstration of terrorism and one of the main challenge for the modern world is cyber terrorism.
As every state could be the victim of cyber terrorism, thus the settlement of the said issue needs the agreed action of different states.
Cyber security covers all those fields of activity of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia, where the IT is being used, regardless of projecting the military / defense operations, arranging the military trainings, logistical support, etc. in order to ensure the unity, availability and timely sharing of the information.
The cyber space is the complex existed in the interconnection of informational and technological infrastructure, where the global internet and telecommunication networks are covered, also the computer systems, turned processors, servers and controlling devices, which are used in different fields of the industry.
Alongside with developing technologies there are increasing the threats as well, which deal a big damage to cyber space and its users. The state and authoritative bodies first of all are interested to ensure the national security, to protect the critical information and informational infrastructure from foreign states, non-governmental subjects and groups, in order to prevent the stealing or / and transferring of necessary information, network damage or / and total demolition.
As a result of research, there are shown, that cyber terrorism, like one of the types of international terrorism is one of the main challenge and the threat for the world and for our country as well, which personally became the object of cyber-attack during the August, 2008 war. According to the existed opinions, those properties are analyzed, according to which the local and international experts assign to the mentioned war with the status of “cyber-war”. There are reviewed and discussed those document of state policy and strategy, which ensure to prevent from such cyber-terrorist attacks and there are raised the relevant conclusions.
Shota Beruashvili Samagistro.pdf
კიბერდანაშაული და კიბერტერორიზმი XXI საუკუნის მთავარი საფრთხე
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