შრომითი უფლებებისთვის ბრძოლის გამოცდილება საქართველოში
Date Issued
The title of this master's thesis is the experience in the fighting for the labor rights in
Georgia (Solidarity Mechanism in Labor Protests 2010-2018yy). The research was done by Ana
Gogochishvili, in the framework of the political science degree programs.
The topic's actuality was due to the fact, that the issue in academic space was less studied and
the labor policy in Georgia is still not a subject of fundamental reasoning, Protests caused by labor
issues step by step acquired the different characteristics in 2010-2018yy.
According to the goals of the thesis is analyzed the causes of public protest, the characteristics
of the protests caused by labor issues after 2010y and the determining factors of involving of the
social groups in the Protest activities.
According to the task is studied and represented thematically in the thesis: Existing Governmental
programs of ruling political parties, the academic researches and legislation related to labor policy from 2003y till today .
The research objects were represented by labor legislation, the governmental programs and
the groups participating in protest.
According to the survey results, it was revealed that in 2010-2018yy the establishment of the
political opportunities led to the actuality of protests caused by labor issues. However, the social
groups involved in it united more spontaneous activities than constant communication.
Georgia (Solidarity Mechanism in Labor Protests 2010-2018yy). The research was done by Ana
Gogochishvili, in the framework of the political science degree programs.
The topic's actuality was due to the fact, that the issue in academic space was less studied and
the labor policy in Georgia is still not a subject of fundamental reasoning, Protests caused by labor
issues step by step acquired the different characteristics in 2010-2018yy.
According to the goals of the thesis is analyzed the causes of public protest, the characteristics
of the protests caused by labor issues after 2010y and the determining factors of involving of the
social groups in the Protest activities.
According to the task is studied and represented thematically in the thesis: Existing Governmental
programs of ruling political parties, the academic researches and legislation related to labor policy from 2003y till today .
The research objects were represented by labor legislation, the governmental programs and
the groups participating in protest.
According to the survey results, it was revealed that in 2010-2018yy the establishment of the
political opportunities led to the actuality of protests caused by labor issues. However, the social
groups involved in it united more spontaneous activities than constant communication.
MA-Thesis.Gogochishvili (2) politika.pdf
შრომითი უფლებებისთვის ბრძოლის გამოცდილება საქართველოში (სოლიდარობის მექანიზმი შრომით პროტესტში 2010-18წწ.)
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