ახალგაზრდების დასაქმების პრობლემები საქართველოში
Date Issued
Employment is one of the most important economic categories and social-economic phenomenon. Employment as a social-economic phenomenon is directly associated with people, their work, material and spiritual wealth.
Prospects, which are related to the establishment, are the most complicated.
Employment of young people is an acute socio-economic problem. One of the most important challenges of the XXI century is the employment of young people and the difficulties in it.
It is important to update the economic, social and demographic aspects of youth employment, as well as all the processes related to the employment of young people. It is also important to consider the state regulation policy of higher and vocational education.
Young people are the most important part of the country's labor resources and are strategic resources for socio-economic development. The share of young people in the population changes significantly not only his sexual-age structure, but also professional qualified composition of labor potential.
Employment of young people requires special assistance and promotion. They are distinguished from other social-demographic groups of the population, health, level of education, professional training, mobility, high job requirements etc.
Prospects, which are related to the establishment, are the most complicated.
Employment of young people is an acute socio-economic problem. One of the most important challenges of the XXI century is the employment of young people and the difficulties in it.
It is important to update the economic, social and demographic aspects of youth employment, as well as all the processes related to the employment of young people. It is also important to consider the state regulation policy of higher and vocational education.
Young people are the most important part of the country's labor resources and are strategic resources for socio-economic development. The share of young people in the population changes significantly not only his sexual-age structure, but also professional qualified composition of labor potential.
Employment of young people requires special assistance and promotion. They are distinguished from other social-demographic groups of the population, health, level of education, professional training, mobility, high job requirements etc.
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ახალგაზრდების დასაქმების პრობლემები საქართველოში
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