2008 წლის ომის შედეგად კომპაქტურ დასახლებებში მცხოვრებ იძულებით გადაადგილებულ პირთა სოციალური საჭიროებების და სოციალური მუშაკის როლის კვლევა 2008 წლის ომიდან დღემდე
Date Issued
Today in Georgia live 273,411 internally displaced person. After leaving the place of
residence, they have to deal with various challenges. Including psychological, social, economic
problems, unemployment, integration with new environment, stigma and etc.The aim of the
research was to study the social needs of IDPs living in compact settlements and the role of
social work from 2008 war till now. With the method of quantitative research, there were
interviewed 240 IGPs living in compact settlements. Also, there was conducted expert Survey
and were interviewed 5 professionals, who have knowledge in the research area. The survey
revealed that after the 2008 war, the government and NGOs actively tried to help IDPs and
offered them various programs and services, both in material and psycho-social directions.
However, the majority of the IGP were mainly using only material services. Despite this, it has
been difficult for them to satisfy basic needs and still is. As a result of the research, it was
revealed that programs created for IDPs have to be more targeted and long-term.As for social
work, the level of awareness with this profession and cooperation among IDPs and social
workers are low. Social work was implemented in this community during the crisis period, but
most of the respondents did not receive this service. As for today, IDPs are no longer targeted
group for social work, and cooperation with them is implemented within the same programs, in
which social workers with the general population without IDP status.
The survey was conducted by two authors. With the support of the supervisor, they
created research design, questionnaire, guideline and interviewed IDPs and experts.
residence, they have to deal with various challenges. Including psychological, social, economic
problems, unemployment, integration with new environment, stigma and etc.The aim of the
research was to study the social needs of IDPs living in compact settlements and the role of
social work from 2008 war till now. With the method of quantitative research, there were
interviewed 240 IGPs living in compact settlements. Also, there was conducted expert Survey
and were interviewed 5 professionals, who have knowledge in the research area. The survey
revealed that after the 2008 war, the government and NGOs actively tried to help IDPs and
offered them various programs and services, both in material and psycho-social directions.
However, the majority of the IGP were mainly using only material services. Despite this, it has
been difficult for them to satisfy basic needs and still is. As a result of the research, it was
revealed that programs created for IDPs have to be more targeted and long-term.As for social
work, the level of awareness with this profession and cooperation among IDPs and social
workers are low. Social work was implemented in this community during the crisis period, but
most of the respondents did not receive this service. As for today, IDPs are no longer targeted
group for social work, and cooperation with them is implemented within the same programs, in
which social workers with the general population without IDP status.
The survey was conducted by two authors. With the support of the supervisor, they
created research design, questionnaire, guideline and interviewed IDPs and experts.
MA Thesis.Mchedlishvili (1) socmuS.pdf
2008 წლის ომის შედეგად კომპაქტურ დასახლებებში მცხოვრებ იძულებით გადაადგილებულ პირთა სოციალური საჭიროებების და სოციალური მუშაკის როლის კვლევა 2008 წლის ომიდან დღემდე
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