ოჯახში ძალადობის გამომწვევი მიზეზები, ფაქტორები და მათი პრევენცია
Date Issued
The aim of the paper is to describe and to convey with some accuracy the problems, which the state, the public and each family face today. I think the problems seen by each lawyer are important and it’s critical to find the ways to solve them in order to make the fight against the violence more efficient. The right of an individual to live in an atmosphere of a personal security, without fear, to develop at his/her own will, to act only of his/her own free will, cannot be the constitutional guarantees and these guarantees should define the responsibility of the state and the leverages that will facilitate preventing domestic violence. Unfortunately, such laws do not often exist in the states, or they are not always effectively enforced, or they fail to cover all forms of violence. The paper analyzes the essence and the forms of domestic violence, today’s practice, legislative mechanisms and legal frameworks. The problem is also seen from a historical point of view and the role of the society in preventing this problem has been discussed. It also discusses the way the international standards are reflected in the Georgian legislation and the comparative analysis of the domestic violence abroad. The given paper focuses on the risk factors, that make a person a perpetrator ,or a victim. We have touched on the legal issues, that characterize domestic violence. We consider it very important, to pay special attention to the mandatory norm of testimony of the victim during the discussion of domestic violence crimes, as this issue is most important in the legislative framework for domestic violence. We touched upon this issue both in the discussion of legal mechanisms and in the description of the legislative space of foreign countries.
Leri Zeinklishvili Samagistro.pdf
ოჯახში ძალადობის გამომწვევი მიზეზები, ფაქტორები და მათი პრევენცია
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