ქართველი სტუდენტების ადაპტაციის სტრატეგიები უცხოურ საუნივერსიტეტო და უნივერსიტეტს მიღმა სოციალურ გარემოში
Date Issued
The Master`s graduate research is related to adaptation process and strategies of those Georgian students who has gone to Poland and Germany for studying purposes. Recently studying abroad has become very appealing. There are many exchange programs at different universities of Georgia that give excellent opportunities to Georgian students either to study for free at foreign universities or fairly low tuitions fee. First of all, this helps gain experience and secondly it offers more possibilities for better employment in Georgia. Apart from the exchange programs students look for different ways to continue studying abroad.
This research has been carried out based on Georgian students who has studied in two countries.
The countries are Poland and Germany. These counties were selected according to two criteria.
The first point was the great number of Georgian students and the second one-it is interesting whether there are differences or not among students` adaptation strategies in Post-Soviet Union and independent states.
It had occurred that the first year was very challenging and laboursome for the respondents. The most difficult for them was to cope with immense information and literature in foreign language.
Moreover, to become adapt to different teaching system was related to stress and difficulties.
Furthermore, the students encountered barriers while getting used to the foreign culture.
However, as per them they do not worry about these problems now and feel so comfortable that even do not think about returning to Georgia.
This research has been carried out based on Georgian students who has studied in two countries.
The countries are Poland and Germany. These counties were selected according to two criteria.
The first point was the great number of Georgian students and the second one-it is interesting whether there are differences or not among students` adaptation strategies in Post-Soviet Union and independent states.
It had occurred that the first year was very challenging and laboursome for the respondents. The most difficult for them was to cope with immense information and literature in foreign language.
Moreover, to become adapt to different teaching system was related to stress and difficulties.
Furthermore, the students encountered barriers while getting used to the foreign culture.
However, as per them they do not worry about these problems now and feel so comfortable that even do not think about returning to Georgia.
MA Thesis.Babilodze kultura.pdf
ქართველი სტუდენტების ადაპტაციის სტრატეგიები უცხოურ საუნივერსიტეტო და უნივერსიტეტს მიღმა სოციალურ გარემოში
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