მცირე და საშუალო ბიზნესის განვითარების ფინანსური ფაქტორები
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It is impossible to economically develop a country without commerce, manufacturing, financial institutions and other industrial and social infrastructure. All of these concepts have become an integral part of modern human life. The busieconomical relationships that emerge in this area are called business, in which small and medium-sized businesses play a crucial role.
The introductory part of the presented thesis discusses the essence and importance of SMEs, their development stages. Discusses the relations of SMEs and the state. Also used literature review and research questions are presented.
The first chapter of the thesis discusses the need for the development of legislative support for SMEs in modern conditions. Its developmental stages in the post-Soviet countries. In particular in this chapter, we will talk about the current state of SMEs in Georgia. It should be noted that an important circumstance is the opportunity to meet developed countries experience. Georgia can share the successful examples of other countries and implement its own practice. At the end of this chapter we will discuss the factors hindering the development of SMEs.
The second chapter discusses the prospects of SMEs in Georgia. It outlines the need for the development of legislative support for SMEs. The same chapter discusses the financial support mechanisms for SMEs in Georgia. That is why it is very important to analyze and compare SME financial problems. What are the challenges Georgia faces today in terms of SME development? At the end of the paper there is a kind of analysis, recommendations by experts in this field for future development.
The introductory part of the presented thesis discusses the essence and importance of SMEs, their development stages. Discusses the relations of SMEs and the state. Also used literature review and research questions are presented.
The first chapter of the thesis discusses the need for the development of legislative support for SMEs in modern conditions. Its developmental stages in the post-Soviet countries. In particular in this chapter, we will talk about the current state of SMEs in Georgia. It should be noted that an important circumstance is the opportunity to meet developed countries experience. Georgia can share the successful examples of other countries and implement its own practice. At the end of this chapter we will discuss the factors hindering the development of SMEs.
The second chapter discusses the prospects of SMEs in Georgia. It outlines the need for the development of legislative support for SMEs. The same chapter discusses the financial support mechanisms for SMEs in Georgia. That is why it is very important to analyze and compare SME financial problems. What are the challenges Georgia faces today in terms of SME development? At the end of the paper there is a kind of analysis, recommendations by experts in this field for future development.
Ekaterine Kordzakhia Samagistro.pdf
მცირე და საშუალო ბიზნესის განვითარების ფინანსური ფაქტორები
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