შესრულებული სამუშაოს შეფასება: კერძო და საჯარო სექტორის პრაქტიკების შედარება და ანალიზი
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In Georgian labour market performance appraisal (PA) system was appeared at the beginning of 21th century and mostly developed in private sector. In civil organizations it is implanted since 2018, but the problems were emerged too soon and now, they are treatening to the effectiveness of the system. In porpoise of identifying the problems and share good experiences from private organizations, there was planned a study based on mixed methods. By the In-depth interview method four experts and members of six civil and four private organization’s human resource management departments were interviewed in the period of, May-July, 2020. For researching one of the civil organizations employees attitudes to performance appraisal system, introduced survey by the web-based fixed-choice questionnaire.
The study revealed, that Georgian civil and private organizations have different performance management/appraisal systems. Civil organizations practice is similar, but privet organizations systems are different by methodology and period of experience. Private organizations PA systems are focused on analyse work positions and their features, while civil organizations practice is too simple and can’t apprise employees performance perfectly. Civil organizations have problems with high and middle managers engagement while implementation of PA system. It impacts employees attitudes and changes them negatively. Private organizations have no problems with engaging of managers, because they are initiators of system implementation and system has support from them. Civil organizations also have problems with low competence of human resource managers and deficit of managers manage skills. Privet organizations don’t have that problem, but, sometimes, it’s possible that their human resource systems aren’t perfect, as they seems. Both, civil and private organizations have problem of setting clear and measurable evaluation criteria and subjective evaluation -when PA system is connected to payment and reward systems. In private organizations PA systems are oriented on the development of employees, is connected with more human resource management systems than in civil organizations. That makes them more effective and employees attitudes are more positive too. Civil organizations have less flexibility and possibility of making productive decisions. That is the main reason of their PA system effectiveness and employees negative attitudes...
The study revealed, that Georgian civil and private organizations have different performance management/appraisal systems. Civil organizations practice is similar, but privet organizations systems are different by methodology and period of experience. Private organizations PA systems are focused on analyse work positions and their features, while civil organizations practice is too simple and can’t apprise employees performance perfectly. Civil organizations have problems with high and middle managers engagement while implementation of PA system. It impacts employees attitudes and changes them negatively. Private organizations have no problems with engaging of managers, because they are initiators of system implementation and system has support from them. Civil organizations also have problems with low competence of human resource managers and deficit of managers manage skills. Privet organizations don’t have that problem, but, sometimes, it’s possible that their human resource systems aren’t perfect, as they seems. Both, civil and private organizations have problem of setting clear and measurable evaluation criteria and subjective evaluation -when PA system is connected to payment and reward systems. In private organizations PA systems are oriented on the development of employees, is connected with more human resource management systems than in civil organizations. That makes them more effective and employees attitudes are more positive too. Civil organizations have less flexibility and possibility of making productive decisions. That is the main reason of their PA system effectiveness and employees negative attitudes...
Khatia Melashvili Samagistro.pdf
შესრულებული სამუშაოს შეფასება: კერძო და საჯარო სექტორის პრაქტიკების შედარება და ანალიზი
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