ეკონომიკური და ფინანსური კრიზისები: მიზეზები და დაძლევის გზები
Date Issued
In the modern stage of economic development It is of particular interest to study the
character of economic cycles, its reasons and consequences. Despite of the vast amount of research
has been conducted in XXI century, economists still has not been achieved a complete consensus or
particular answer of the question, what is the main determinant of the crisis.
The urgency of the issue has become more acute after Global financial and economic crisis
of 2008-09. Moreover, it has greater importance due to the events of 2020. Unexpected events of
the current 2020 year reveal that a qualitatively new kind of crisis is brewing and as economists
predict, this one will surpass all its predecessors with its depth and severity. Current events show
that understanding and studying of the issue properly is crucial.
The aim of the paper is to study the causes of the economic and financial crisis, to analyze
their results and to find ways to overcome the next one. The paper also reviews the nature of
economic crises based on the opinions of leading economists. Study mainly is about the global
financial and economic crisis of the XXI century and about its impact on Georgian economy. The
researching part of the paper shows the impact of the crisis based on the key macroeconomic
indicators. Also, paper talks about the results of the anti-crisis measures taken by the Georgian
Government and the National Bank and about the danger of the impending crisis and the search
for ways to overcome the new one.
character of economic cycles, its reasons and consequences. Despite of the vast amount of research
has been conducted in XXI century, economists still has not been achieved a complete consensus or
particular answer of the question, what is the main determinant of the crisis.
The urgency of the issue has become more acute after Global financial and economic crisis
of 2008-09. Moreover, it has greater importance due to the events of 2020. Unexpected events of
the current 2020 year reveal that a qualitatively new kind of crisis is brewing and as economists
predict, this one will surpass all its predecessors with its depth and severity. Current events show
that understanding and studying of the issue properly is crucial.
The aim of the paper is to study the causes of the economic and financial crisis, to analyze
their results and to find ways to overcome the next one. The paper also reviews the nature of
economic crises based on the opinions of leading economists. Study mainly is about the global
financial and economic crisis of the XXI century and about its impact on Georgian economy. The
researching part of the paper shows the impact of the crisis based on the key macroeconomic
indicators. Also, paper talks about the results of the anti-crisis measures taken by the Georgian
Government and the National Bank and about the danger of the impending crisis and the search
for ways to overcome the new one.
Samagistro Daghundaridze.pdf
ეკონომიკური და ფინანსური კრიზისები: მიზეზები და დაძლევის გზები
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