მედიაცია, როგორც კორპორაციულ უთანხმოებათა გადაწყვეტის სამართლებრივი მექანიზმი
Date Issued
Resolving corporate disagreements through mediation contributes to the efficiency of corporate functioning and management.
The aim of this paper is to present the Mediation Institute as an alternative mechanism for rapid and effective resolution of corporate disputes. In particular, entrepreneurial entities have the opportunity to resolve disputes between them and within themselves at a small cost and, most importantly, within a short period of time. Typically, disputes involving entrepreneurial entities are settled by common courts, which in turn overloads the judiciary, all due to the fact that there are not enough specialized judges in the judiciary, which will minimize disputes and resolve disputes, which is why corporations are given Ability to save time and financial resources by meditating in this process.
The following methods are mainly used in the performance of the paper: comparative, qualitative analysis and empirical deduction method. The research methods were used to search and systematize the data related to the research material. An important workload in this study is to analyze the data and use a logical method to substantiate their arguments.
Mediation is an alternative means of resolving commercial disputes, which determines the legal outcome acceptable to two or more disputing parties with common interests. At the same time, it is important to note that all this is associated with relatively lower costs and time, therefore, one of the priority directions of alternative means of resolving disputes related to commercial disputes in Georgia should be the Institute of Mediation. Clearly, the introduction and establishment of any new institution in Georgia is a new challenge for the state, the refinement and development of which is time consuming. Therefore, it is important to actively cooperate with industry professionals and entities involved in the mediation process on a daily basis on issues / issues raised in practice and to discuss issues arising in practice so as not to hinder the development of the above institution. Therefore, if the development of the Institute of Mediation takes place on a daily basis, mediation will become one of the priority areas for alternative means of resolving disputes in Georgia...
The aim of this paper is to present the Mediation Institute as an alternative mechanism for rapid and effective resolution of corporate disputes. In particular, entrepreneurial entities have the opportunity to resolve disputes between them and within themselves at a small cost and, most importantly, within a short period of time. Typically, disputes involving entrepreneurial entities are settled by common courts, which in turn overloads the judiciary, all due to the fact that there are not enough specialized judges in the judiciary, which will minimize disputes and resolve disputes, which is why corporations are given Ability to save time and financial resources by meditating in this process.
The following methods are mainly used in the performance of the paper: comparative, qualitative analysis and empirical deduction method. The research methods were used to search and systematize the data related to the research material. An important workload in this study is to analyze the data and use a logical method to substantiate their arguments.
Mediation is an alternative means of resolving commercial disputes, which determines the legal outcome acceptable to two or more disputing parties with common interests. At the same time, it is important to note that all this is associated with relatively lower costs and time, therefore, one of the priority directions of alternative means of resolving disputes related to commercial disputes in Georgia should be the Institute of Mediation. Clearly, the introduction and establishment of any new institution in Georgia is a new challenge for the state, the refinement and development of which is time consuming. Therefore, it is important to actively cooperate with industry professionals and entities involved in the mediation process on a daily basis on issues / issues raised in practice and to discuss issues arising in practice so as not to hinder the development of the above institution. Therefore, if the development of the Institute of Mediation takes place on a daily basis, mediation will become one of the priority areas for alternative means of resolving disputes in Georgia...
Giorgi JoJua Samagistro.pdf
მედიაცია, როგორც კორპორაციულ უთანხმოებათა გადაწყვეტის სამართლებრივი მექანიზმი
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