ნაციონალიზმი და ჰეგემონური მასკულინობა პოსტსაბჭოთა საქართველოში
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Nationalism and nation state are modern phenomena which are closely related to modern masculinities. Nation state as an institutional power system is intertwined with hegemonic masculinity. In post-Soviet Georgia the creation and development of neoliberal nation state was accompanied by various types of nationalism and hegemonic masculinity. In addition, considering post-Soviet/postcolonial specificity in Georgia, it is possible to distinguish two types of nationalism, which I call anti-imperialist nationalism and pro-Western nationalism. The research aim is to study interrelation, intersection and tendencies of nationalism and hegemonic masculinity in post-Soviet Georgia. The objectives focus on studying the ideas of nation and masculinity in the discourse of political and economic elite, analysis of anti-imperialist and pro-Western nationalism and studying how national Other is constructed. The methodology is drawn up by combining feminist epistemology and the theoretical and methodological approach of critical discourse analysis (CDA). Research method applied is critical discourse analysis as well, while analysed data was selected from public speeches, statements, articles and interviews of the elites. One of the main findings of the study is that the ideas of nation and masculinity are generated simultaneously, also there are three major types of hegemonic masculinity as a construct. The research also reveals the prevalence of anti-imperialist nationalism, although it is often combined with pro-Western nationalism. The domination of this latter type throughout the history can be interpreted in two ways.
MA Thesis.Beraia (1) genderi.pdf
ნაციონალიზმი და ჰეგემონური მასკულინობა პოსტსაბჭოთა საქართველოში
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