სოციალური კომპეტენციის მიმართება თანატოლთა ზეგავლენასთან
Date Issued
Age of adolescence is characterized by a lot of changes and its aim is to establish the final
portray of an adult human being. In this process, it is very important that adolescents
communicate with peers, often they have huge influence over the others of the same age and
at the same time they are under the influence of other adolescents. Despite of the huge interest
around the topic, we have a very few relevant studies for culture about that phenomenon. The
aim of the study is to identify psychological factors associates with peer influence.
Participants were 200 adolescents aged 12-17 , (113 female, 87 boys) recruited in four schools in
Tbilisi (VII-XI class students). According to the main purpose of the study, research variables
were determined: Peer pressure, Social competence, Self efficacy.
The results indicated that social competence and self efficacy belief are negatively correlated
with peer presure volnerability, while social competence and self efficacy are positively
correlated. The level of social competence and self efficacy beliefs were used to predict peer
pressure vulnerability. The combination model of these variables is significantly reliable and
explains the 3.6% of variance.
portray of an adult human being. In this process, it is very important that adolescents
communicate with peers, often they have huge influence over the others of the same age and
at the same time they are under the influence of other adolescents. Despite of the huge interest
around the topic, we have a very few relevant studies for culture about that phenomenon. The
aim of the study is to identify psychological factors associates with peer influence.
Participants were 200 adolescents aged 12-17 , (113 female, 87 boys) recruited in four schools in
Tbilisi (VII-XI class students). According to the main purpose of the study, research variables
were determined: Peer pressure, Social competence, Self efficacy.
The results indicated that social competence and self efficacy belief are negatively correlated
with peer presure volnerability, while social competence and self efficacy are positively
correlated. The level of social competence and self efficacy beliefs were used to predict peer
pressure vulnerability. The combination model of these variables is significantly reliable and
explains the 3.6% of variance.
მარიამ-ჯალაბაძის-სამაგისტრო-ნაშრომი_-bolo (1).pdf
სოციალური კომპეტენციის მიმართება თანატოლთა ზეგავლენასთან
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