ისრაელი-პალესტინის საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების თანამედროვე პოლიტიკური და საერთაშორისო სამართლებრივი ასპექტები
Date Issued
Master thesis,, The modern political and legal aspects of Israeli-Palestinian international relations’’ refers to one of the global problems of modern international relations which is been lasting for centuries.
The aim of the thesis is to learn the cause of the modern conflict between Israel and Palestine and the legal and peaceful ways of solving the conflict.
This conflict is important not only for the two sides of the confrontation but also for the whole world, so the research theme is actuall.
The goal of the research is to show the results of the conflict, how the right of living in peaceful environment is violated, how their lives are being destroyed as a result of attacks and how big is the numberof victims.
The subject of research is to analyze of international resolutions, decisions and legal norms of UN, which are used for the conflict regulations.
The main result of this research is that UN and other corresponding intergovernmental international organizations should participate in solving Israel-Palestine conflict only with peaceful ways.
The news about reseatch is that we tried to analyze every aspects that is written on that topic,therefore express our oponions that left the deep footprint on the history of Israeli- Palestinian.Even today the assessment are made on above mentioned topics.
The aim of the thesis is to learn the cause of the modern conflict between Israel and Palestine and the legal and peaceful ways of solving the conflict.
This conflict is important not only for the two sides of the confrontation but also for the whole world, so the research theme is actuall.
The goal of the research is to show the results of the conflict, how the right of living in peaceful environment is violated, how their lives are being destroyed as a result of attacks and how big is the numberof victims.
The subject of research is to analyze of international resolutions, decisions and legal norms of UN, which are used for the conflict regulations.
The main result of this research is that UN and other corresponding intergovernmental international organizations should participate in solving Israel-Palestine conflict only with peaceful ways.
The news about reseatch is that we tried to analyze every aspects that is written on that topic,therefore express our oponions that left the deep footprint on the history of Israeli- Palestinian.Even today the assessment are made on above mentioned topics.
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ისრაელი-პალესტინის საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების თანამედროვე პოლიტიკური და საერთაშორისო სამართლებრივი ასპექტები
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