ადგილობრივი თვითმმართველობების პოლიტიკური და ეკონომიკური შეფასება:2012-2018 წლებში, დეცენტრალიზაციის ხელის შემშლელი ფაქტორები
Date Issued
The main goal of the paper is to identify key factors that prevent decentralization in the country and establish Western values in Georgia. Specifically, the main task of the work is to show up the major fiscal and political barriers in the country at the local self-government level to prevent decentralization and democratic processes.
The paper discusses the important issues in which the answer to the research question has been formulated as follows: “How effectively local self-governments are able to be decentrilzed, when they politically and economically are depended on central government?”. Within the scope of the study, the hypothesis states that "the decentralization of the country depends on the political and economic freedom of the self-governing bodies.
Accordingly, if the self-governments are economically more dependent on the country's central government, there are smaller chances that decentralization will successfully develop and the country will move to the Western model of democracy."
The paper discusses the important issues in which the answer to the research question has been formulated as follows: “How effectively local self-governments are able to be decentrilzed, when they politically and economically are depended on central government?”. Within the scope of the study, the hypothesis states that "the decentralization of the country depends on the political and economic freedom of the self-governing bodies.
Accordingly, if the self-governments are economically more dependent on the country's central government, there are smaller chances that decentralization will successfully develop and the country will move to the Western model of democracy."
Master-Thesis-Roman-Bagdavadze sajaro.pdf
ადგილობრივი თვითმმართველობების პოლიტიკური და ეკონომიკური შეფასება:2012-2018 წლებში, დეცენტრალიზაციის ხელის შემშლელი ფაქტორები
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