„მასწავლებელთა განათლების“ სამაგისტრო პროგრამა - გამოწვევები და პერსპექტივები
Date Issued
Teacher profession is one of the most important in the world, it is nesessary to have great attention
from the state, discussions about teacher prepearing have a long history, Today , the issue of teacher
preparedness is the level of legislation, which emphasises its importance and prioritization.
The newsworthy of thethis is that, the master program ‘’teacher education ‘’of Ivane Javakhishvili
Tbilisi State University is so valuable and demanding in the sphere of preparing teachers, that’s
why it is important to evaluate its effectivness from the point of view of skateholdres respectively.
The main purpose of the presented paper is to study some difficulties which occuried during the
practical realization of this program, challenges and expectations,to formulate reccomendations
according to analysing of main literature and proper documentation.
There is not scientific research about ths topic, so, this research results is the innovation itself .
The research subject is master program ‘’ teacher education’’ and the research object is the
practical realization of the mentioned program .
The tasks of the research are:
study of secondary information;
define the issue;
elaborate methodology;
empirical research and analysis the results of the research;
Give the recommendations.
In this paper, we used the qualitative and qualitative research. In the qualitative reseach we mean
deep interview.
from the state, discussions about teacher prepearing have a long history, Today , the issue of teacher
preparedness is the level of legislation, which emphasises its importance and prioritization.
The newsworthy of thethis is that, the master program ‘’teacher education ‘’of Ivane Javakhishvili
Tbilisi State University is so valuable and demanding in the sphere of preparing teachers, that’s
why it is important to evaluate its effectivness from the point of view of skateholdres respectively.
The main purpose of the presented paper is to study some difficulties which occuried during the
practical realization of this program, challenges and expectations,to formulate reccomendations
according to analysing of main literature and proper documentation.
There is not scientific research about ths topic, so, this research results is the innovation itself .
The research subject is master program ‘’ teacher education’’ and the research object is the
practical realization of the mentioned program .
The tasks of the research are:
study of secondary information;
define the issue;
elaborate methodology;
empirical research and analysis the results of the research;
Give the recommendations.
In this paper, we used the qualitative and qualitative research. In the qualitative reseach we mean
deep interview.
samagistro ramazashvili.pdf
„მასწავლებელთა განათლების“ სამაგისტრო პროგრამა - გამოწვევები და პერსპექტივები
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