დასაქმების ბაზრის მოთხოვნები უმაღლესი საგანმანათლებლო პროგრამების განვითარებაში- საქართველოს მაგალითი (სტანდარტები და რეალობა )
Date Issued
This work is about labor market needs in the development of higher educational programs. The
research focuses on how the requirements of the labor market and the higher educational
programs are connected and what is the reality in higher educational system of Georgia. The tasks
of the research are to determine what attitude and views do the labor market employers and
students of different universities have and also to determine the assessment of higher educational
institutions. The problem of the study is extremely urgent, as the issues related to the higher
educational sector and labor market requirements is problematic in Georgia nowadays. So the
research of the peculiarities of the labor market in the development of higher educational
programs provides interesting and relevant results.
As a result of analyzing the focus groups, in-depth and face-to-face interviews, some of the
essential aspects of the labor market and higher education programs are identified:
The main problem of universities is not the level of studying and teaching but the fact that
knowledge received during the studying period is not relevant to the labor market
The attitudes associated with higher education are mainly due to mental-contextual
necessity; While making a decision to enter the university the participants of the research were
expecting to receive thorough knowledge, personal development, good social contacts,
which would help them to become more competitive in the labor market.
For the employers the university diploma is not the most important factor for hiring the
In Georgia private universities are more oriented to deliver practical knowledge in the
teaching process than state universities.
Respondents consider that for the good education the universities must have qualified
professor-teachers, the high level of teaching and the possibility to get practical skills.
Students and graduates have a strong idea that the diploma, especially the Master's degree,
is essential for career advancement in both public and private companies.
Authors' contributions should be noted. By the support of an instructor, they prepared the design
of the research, they created a guideline and interviewed the respondents.
research focuses on how the requirements of the labor market and the higher educational
programs are connected and what is the reality in higher educational system of Georgia. The tasks
of the research are to determine what attitude and views do the labor market employers and
students of different universities have and also to determine the assessment of higher educational
institutions. The problem of the study is extremely urgent, as the issues related to the higher
educational sector and labor market requirements is problematic in Georgia nowadays. So the
research of the peculiarities of the labor market in the development of higher educational
programs provides interesting and relevant results.
As a result of analyzing the focus groups, in-depth and face-to-face interviews, some of the
essential aspects of the labor market and higher education programs are identified:
The main problem of universities is not the level of studying and teaching but the fact that
knowledge received during the studying period is not relevant to the labor market
The attitudes associated with higher education are mainly due to mental-contextual
necessity; While making a decision to enter the university the participants of the research were
expecting to receive thorough knowledge, personal development, good social contacts,
which would help them to become more competitive in the labor market.
For the employers the university diploma is not the most important factor for hiring the
In Georgia private universities are more oriented to deliver practical knowledge in the
teaching process than state universities.
Respondents consider that for the good education the universities must have qualified
professor-teachers, the high level of teaching and the possibility to get practical skills.
Students and graduates have a strong idea that the diploma, especially the Master's degree,
is essential for career advancement in both public and private companies.
Authors' contributions should be noted. By the support of an instructor, they prepared the design
of the research, they created a guideline and interviewed the respondents.
MA Thesis. Maghradze, Mamagulashvili sociol.pdf
დასაქმების ბაზრის მოთხოვნები უმაღლესი საგანმანათლებლო პროგრამების განვითარებაში- საქართველოს მაგალითი (სტანდარტები და რეალობა )
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