ეკონომიკური ზრდის მაკროეკონომიკური ასპექტები
Date Issued
In this paper, we discuss the main macroeconomic aspects of economic growth,
most important factors affecting it, the most important criteria for measurement and
The first chapter of the paper includes the macroeconomic factors of economic
growth, the main indicators that are necessary to achieve economic growth. Various
economic theories have also been presented, describing and analyzing the views of
renowned economists on economic growth. A brief summary of the classical,
Keynesian, Post Keynesian and neoclassical theories of economic growth is
The paper also discusses economic policies that stimulate economic growth. The
focus is on the importance of coordinating monetary and fiscal policies that stimulate
economic growth and the regulatory function of the state.
The second chapter of the paper presents a situational analysis of economic
growth in Georgia, the main macroeconomic indicators that show the country's
economic growth trend.
The paper also discusses the possibilities of inclusive economic growth in
Georgia as one of the important factors in accelerating economic growth. All the
important factors affecting economic growth are also analyzed. The Inclusive
Economic Growth Index and the economic growth opportunities based on this
analysis are presented.
At the end of the paper, macroeconomic aspects of economic growth, economic
growth opportunities and recommendations in Georgia are presented.
most important factors affecting it, the most important criteria for measurement and
The first chapter of the paper includes the macroeconomic factors of economic
growth, the main indicators that are necessary to achieve economic growth. Various
economic theories have also been presented, describing and analyzing the views of
renowned economists on economic growth. A brief summary of the classical,
Keynesian, Post Keynesian and neoclassical theories of economic growth is
The paper also discusses economic policies that stimulate economic growth. The
focus is on the importance of coordinating monetary and fiscal policies that stimulate
economic growth and the regulatory function of the state.
The second chapter of the paper presents a situational analysis of economic
growth in Georgia, the main macroeconomic indicators that show the country's
economic growth trend.
The paper also discusses the possibilities of inclusive economic growth in
Georgia as one of the important factors in accelerating economic growth. All the
important factors affecting economic growth are also analyzed. The Inclusive
Economic Growth Index and the economic growth opportunities based on this
analysis are presented.
At the end of the paper, macroeconomic aspects of economic growth, economic
growth opportunities and recommendations in Georgia are presented.
Samagistro Mikeladze.pdf
ეკონომიკური ზრდის მაკროეკონომიკური ასპექტები
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