Judicial mediation by modern Georgian law
Date Issued
Together with the development of the society, it is important to create such an institution, that will help modern society to find the fast and effective ways of restoring violated rights and most importantly, to reach an agreement acceptable for both parties. Every day, people are allowed to use the rights granted by the Constitution, In particular, people are applying to the court very often. Accordingly, the court structure is overloaded and the dispute started by man requires a lot of time on the restoration of the violated rights. It is also important that the Georgian society is a society based on traditional relations from time immemorial.
Based on the above mentioned, the role of mediation will be examined and investigated in the present work, its importance, origin and development history, the weak and strong sides of mediation, legislative shortcomings that need to be improved and specified on specific issues and other important issues that will be more efficient in the use of judicial mediation in the Georgian legal proceedings.
The aim of the work is to demonstrate the advantage of judicial mediation as one of the alternative means of dispute settlement, develop and introduce recommendations on existing legislative deficiencies to the public.
Based on the above mentioned, the role of mediation will be examined and investigated in the present work, its importance, origin and development history, the weak and strong sides of mediation, legislative shortcomings that need to be improved and specified on specific issues and other important issues that will be more efficient in the use of judicial mediation in the Georgian legal proceedings.
The aim of the work is to demonstrate the advantage of judicial mediation as one of the alternative means of dispute settlement, develop and introduce recommendations on existing legislative deficiencies to the public.
Ana Manapire Samagistro.pdf
სასამართლო მედიაცია თანამედროვე ქართული სამართლის მიხედვით
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