სახელმწიფოსა და ეკლესიის ურთიერთობის კონსტიტუციური ასპექტები საქართველოში
Date Issued
As a result of the analysis and elaboration of the issue to be discussed in the master’s the is, I tried to talk about the role of Religion, in particular the Church, in particular the Church, and the place in the state. What is their cooperation in the development of the country and what is the place of the Constitutional-Legal Church in the state.
In relation to this issue, it can be said with certainty that the Church is subject of special status, both in Georgia and in other states, I felt the need to study the relationship between the state and the Church around the topic and to better understand it. I started from the past, from the first century, when Christianity began to spread in Georgia. As for the Constitutional-legal place of the Church in the country, in order to fully understand and draw parallels with it in the country, we have discussed in the paper the legal models and traditions of Church-State relations, following the exams of different countries, taking into account their past and present.
In relation to this issue, it can be said with certainty that the Church is subject of special status, both in Georgia and in other states, I felt the need to study the relationship between the state and the Church around the topic and to better understand it. I started from the past, from the first century, when Christianity began to spread in Georgia. As for the Constitutional-legal place of the Church in the country, in order to fully understand and draw parallels with it in the country, we have discussed in the paper the legal models and traditions of Church-State relations, following the exams of different countries, taking into account their past and present.
Samagistro Giorgadze.pdf
სახელმწიფოსა და ეკლესიის ურთიერთობის კონსტიტუციური ასპექტები საქართველოში
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