გარემოსდაცვითი და ეკონომიკური საკითხები თანამედროვე საქართველოში (2012-2016) წ
Date Issued
This paper deals with the main issues of environmental protection and economic development indicators in Georgia. The main idea of the work is to find out what kind of interaction exists between environmental issues and economic development indicators. The paper deals with the main challenges and perspectives of environmental policy. Two main points of economic development are also considered: Gross Domestic Product and Economic Investments.
The work is divided into five main parts: The first chapter includes the main challenges and perspectives of Georgia's environmental policy. The important documents are discussed: Rio Declaration, Aarhus Convention, Georgia-EU Association Agreement and Georgia's Security Concept. The second chapter discusses the economic development indicators of Georgia and their connection with the main issues of environmental protection. The third chapter deals with Moldova's environmental issues and the linkage of these issues with the country's economic development indicators. The challenges and priorities of Moldova's environmental policy are reviewed. The main environmental issues discussed are: green economy, sustainable development and economic instruments. The main challenges of Georgia and Moldova's environmental policy are also comparable. The fourth chapter deals with the main issues of Romania's environmental policy and economic development indicators. Environmental movements and their goals in the country are also reviewed. The fifth chapter discusses the political parties in the 2016 Parliamentary Elections in environmental terms.
The final part of the work is summarized in the context of environmental issues and economic development indicators.
The work is divided into five main parts: The first chapter includes the main challenges and perspectives of Georgia's environmental policy. The important documents are discussed: Rio Declaration, Aarhus Convention, Georgia-EU Association Agreement and Georgia's Security Concept. The second chapter discusses the economic development indicators of Georgia and their connection with the main issues of environmental protection. The third chapter deals with Moldova's environmental issues and the linkage of these issues with the country's economic development indicators. The challenges and priorities of Moldova's environmental policy are reviewed. The main environmental issues discussed are: green economy, sustainable development and economic instruments. The main challenges of Georgia and Moldova's environmental policy are also comparable. The fourth chapter deals with the main issues of Romania's environmental policy and economic development indicators. Environmental movements and their goals in the country are also reviewed. The fifth chapter discusses the political parties in the 2016 Parliamentary Elections in environmental terms.
The final part of the work is summarized in the context of environmental issues and economic development indicators.
MA Thesis. Nadiradze 2 politmec.pdf
გარემოსდაცვითი და ეკონომიკური საკითხები თანამედროვე საქართველოში (2012-2016) წ
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