საქართველოს სახელმწიფო საზღვრის ჩრდილო-დასავლეთ მონაკვეთის ტრანსფორმაციების კარტოგრაფირება (XIX-XX სს)
Date Issued
The north-western section of the Georgian state border was established with a neighboring state, on a basis of a long historic relations, and was mainly centered on natural boundaries.
Historically, the lowest change in the north-west border of the country incurred here, on the mountainous section of the Caucasus, where is stretched rocky massifs’ line of the everlasting snow and glaciers. However, there were changes on the perimeter of this border, because of there are arguable sections of the border until today.
It should be noted that this issue has been studied by various specialists in different periods, although this study is in a less contact with old cartographic sources.
Based on results:
• Identified interrelationship between cartographic sources, legal documents and real situation;
• Established mutual comparison between different scale and variously published cartographical sources, based on it, established dynamics of territorial attribution.
• Implemented north-western section historical transformations mapping of Georgia.
According to legal documents and cartographic sources, the issue of territorial attribution of the village Aibgi was established.
Historically, the lowest change in the north-west border of the country incurred here, on the mountainous section of the Caucasus, where is stretched rocky massifs’ line of the everlasting snow and glaciers. However, there were changes on the perimeter of this border, because of there are arguable sections of the border until today.
It should be noted that this issue has been studied by various specialists in different periods, although this study is in a less contact with old cartographic sources.
Based on results:
• Identified interrelationship between cartographic sources, legal documents and real situation;
• Established mutual comparison between different scale and variously published cartographical sources, based on it, established dynamics of territorial attribution.
• Implemented north-western section historical transformations mapping of Georgia.
According to legal documents and cartographic sources, the issue of territorial attribution of the village Aibgi was established.
MA Thesis Bazarashvili Tamari.pdf
საქართველოს სახელმწიფო საზღვრის ჩრდილო-დასავლეთ მონაკვეთის ტრანსფორმაციების კარტოგრაფირება (XIX-XX სს)
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