თურქეთის როლი და აქტივობა ახლო აღმოსავლეთის რეგიონში წარმოდგენილ საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციებში
Date Issued
As soon as Turkey was declared a republic, it became actively involved in international organizations. These were the League of Nations, the UN, NATO and so on. Turkey is actively operating to become a full-fledged member of the European Union, which has failed for various reasons till now. Turkey is a very active NATO member country, which holds a prominent place in terms of its military presence, despite some recent controversies. Despite these contradictions for Turkey NATO and Turkey for NATO are quite serious partners.
Turkey is also actively involved in Middle East regional and at the same time Muslim organizations, whose membership is also very important for Turkey, given its ambitious leadership. It was a member of the Baghdad Covenant and Sento, not an ordinary state. These organizations are usually military political organizations. This country is not only active in the military-political arena, but also in the Muslim world itself. Although it is a secular country, it considers itself to be the leader of the Islamic world, stemming from the ideology of "Panosmanism". Therefore, Turkey has been one of the most active members of the Islamic World League (Isl, Ito and Ico) since the establishment of these organizations.
Turkey is also actively involved in Middle East regional and at the same time Muslim organizations, whose membership is also very important for Turkey, given its ambitious leadership. It was a member of the Baghdad Covenant and Sento, not an ordinary state. These organizations are usually military political organizations. This country is not only active in the military-political arena, but also in the Muslim world itself. Although it is a secular country, it considers itself to be the leader of the Islamic world, stemming from the ideology of "Panosmanism". Therefore, Turkey has been one of the most active members of the Islamic World League (Isl, Ito and Ico) since the establishment of these organizations.
Samagistro Khipshidze.pdf
თურქეთის როლი და აქტივობა ახლო აღმოსავლეთის რეგიონში წარმოდგენილ საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციებში
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