Small Business Development Trends in Georgia
Date Issued
The master's thesis "Trends in the development of small business in Georgia" is devoted to the development of strategies for the development of small business and the role of the state in this process. Our goal was to study the structure of small business and economic characteristics in Georgia. Therefore, I believe that the topic of research is relevant to us. The task of the study is to show that state support for small businesses is an important tool that provides small businesses in the market to accelerate the process of capital accumulation, enhance competitiveness, the Georgian reality, the development of small business in the area to be used in developed countries on the door. and an effective tool, such as franchises and leasing. Study of research conducted by states with developed economies and post-Soviet countries in the field of small business. The aim of the study is the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable
Development, as well as statistical information and strategic plans for the official verbs of Geostat. As a result of our research, we have proved that, because of the nature of economic activity and organizational legal and organizational-property forms and other characteristics, the function of small business is not limited to any sector of the economy and any form of property. Small enterprises can be applied in any field and on the ground; They can be created both in the private and public sectors and are based on private, public and commercial, group or mixed ownership. A study of our research has shown that this sector still appears as a factor in Georgia, as in other post-Soviet countries; Entrepreneurship in both the small and small sectors is also a sectoral and sectoral structure. The development of small business is seen as one of the prospects for a market economy. This sector of the economy dynamically reacts to changes in the situation, creates additional jobs, promotes the formation of the middle class, ie, extends the social base of reforms. Without such a social base, market reforms are doomed, and the question of their irreversibility will always be questioned.
Development, as well as statistical information and strategic plans for the official verbs of Geostat. As a result of our research, we have proved that, because of the nature of economic activity and organizational legal and organizational-property forms and other characteristics, the function of small business is not limited to any sector of the economy and any form of property. Small enterprises can be applied in any field and on the ground; They can be created both in the private and public sectors and are based on private, public and commercial, group or mixed ownership. A study of our research has shown that this sector still appears as a factor in Georgia, as in other post-Soviet countries; Entrepreneurship in both the small and small sectors is also a sectoral and sectoral structure. The development of small business is seen as one of the prospects for a market economy. This sector of the economy dynamically reacts to changes in the situation, creates additional jobs, promotes the formation of the middle class, ie, extends the social base of reforms. Without such a social base, market reforms are doomed, and the question of their irreversibility will always be questioned.
Darina Maziashvili Samagistro .pdf
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