აფხაზური იდენტობის ნარატივის ფორმირება სახელმძღვანელოების მიხედვით
Date Issued
The purpose of this work is to examine the reconstruction of the past, the use of narratives of the past by historians as an instrument for identity formation in the present times. In particular, it aims to analyze Abkhazian history textbooks in order to measure the influence of conception of the past and interpretation of history on national identity formation.
According to the hypothesis, history textbooks are considered as one of the tools of national identity (in this case Abkhazian identity) formation.
To verify the hypothesis, the work examines the formation of Abkhazian identity narrative based on history textbooks. To meet the end of this study, the work uses two textbooks: “History of Abkhazia” for V-IX grades (2009 edition) by I.Kvekveskiri and “History of Abkhazia: From Ancient to Modern times” for X-XI grades (2015 edition) by O.Bgazhba and S.Lakoba.
The hypothesis is explained in theoretical framework of modernism. The paper tries to answer the following questions: What kind of influence do historians have on narrative formation? What effect do school textbooks have in formulating these narratives? How do the history textbooks of Abkhazia use narrative of the past for legitimizing present claims?
According to the hypothesis, history textbooks are considered as one of the tools of national identity (in this case Abkhazian identity) formation.
To verify the hypothesis, the work examines the formation of Abkhazian identity narrative based on history textbooks. To meet the end of this study, the work uses two textbooks: “History of Abkhazia” for V-IX grades (2009 edition) by I.Kvekveskiri and “History of Abkhazia: From Ancient to Modern times” for X-XI grades (2015 edition) by O.Bgazhba and S.Lakoba.
The hypothesis is explained in theoretical framework of modernism. The paper tries to answer the following questions: What kind of influence do historians have on narrative formation? What effect do school textbooks have in formulating these narratives? How do the history textbooks of Abkhazia use narrative of the past for legitimizing present claims?
MA_Lezhava_Lili (1) nac.pdf
აფხაზური იდენტობის ნარატივის ფორმირება სახელმძღვანელოების მიხედვით
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