ლისის რამპ-ანტიკლინი: გეომეტრია, მასთან დაკავშირებული ნაპრალების ტიპები და კინემატიკა
Date Issued
The study area of the master science thesis is the determination of the geometry and kinematics of the Lisi rampanticline in the eastern termination of the Achara-Trialeti fold and thrust belt as well as the establishing of the geometry of fold-related fractures and creating of 3D structural models.
The thesis includes following: the introduction, 4 chapters, 6 subchapters, conclusions, database, map and the list of references.
Geological and tectonic setting of the Achara_Trialeti fold and thrust belt and the Lisi rampanticline as well as detailed description of the structure, lithology and stratigraphy of the Lisi rampanticline is introduced in the master thesis.
Up-to-date methodology applied to this study is discussed in detail: in particular the theory of the fault related folds and conceptual fold-fracture models.
Detailed field geological work and structural analysis of fractures have been undertaken at Lisi rampanticline. Available published and historic data (including drilling data) have been applied as well.
Azimuth frequency (rose diagram) plots of fracture orientations at each observation point have been created and statistical analysis have been carried out; seismic profiles have been interpreted and 3D structural models have been created.
Midland Valley's special geological modeling software Move has been used in this study.
On the basis of the study results was assumed, that the Lisi rampanticline is a typical faultpropogation faold. Formation of fractures in the Lisi fault-propogation fold had two (1) predeformation and (2) syn-deformation stages of development.
The thesis includes following: the introduction, 4 chapters, 6 subchapters, conclusions, database, map and the list of references.
Geological and tectonic setting of the Achara_Trialeti fold and thrust belt and the Lisi rampanticline as well as detailed description of the structure, lithology and stratigraphy of the Lisi rampanticline is introduced in the master thesis.
Up-to-date methodology applied to this study is discussed in detail: in particular the theory of the fault related folds and conceptual fold-fracture models.
Detailed field geological work and structural analysis of fractures have been undertaken at Lisi rampanticline. Available published and historic data (including drilling data) have been applied as well.
Azimuth frequency (rose diagram) plots of fracture orientations at each observation point have been created and statistical analysis have been carried out; seismic profiles have been interpreted and 3D structural models have been created.
Midland Valley's special geological modeling software Move has been used in this study.
On the basis of the study results was assumed, that the Lisi rampanticline is a typical faultpropogation faold. Formation of fractures in the Lisi fault-propogation fold had two (1) predeformation and (2) syn-deformation stages of development.
MA Thesis Sadradze Guga.pdf
ლისის რამპ-ანტიკლინი: გეომეტრია, მასთან დაკავშირებული ნაპრალების ტიპები და კინემატიკა
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