საბანკო ინოვაციები კლიენტებთან ურთიერთობის სისტემაში თანამედროვე ეტაპზე
Date Issued
Until the 1970s, banks did not focus on strategic planning and marketing; they focused solely on traditional banking methods and principles. It was only from this period that individual banks began to advertise their business, and by the 1980s, commercial banks had fully mastered all the basic forms of industrial marketing, making bank marketing more aggressive. The reason for the relevance of these processes was the internationalization of financial institutions, their products and services, and the deregulation of markets that were characteristic of the world economy at the time. It was within the national framework. Domestic economic problems have transcended state borders. The deregulation of the financial markets has been highlighted by the sharp divergence between previously existing credit institutions, which has led to a wide merger of both domestic national and international banks. As a result of internationalization and deregulation, the financial institutions and their products became monopoly throughout the world. As a result, competition between banks and banks and other financial institutions has increased significantly. Fierce competition has led to low and in some cases negative financial results. Banks are increasingly active in developing current and long-term strategies aimed at reducing costs and accelerating the introduction of new technologies in order to reduce risks and strengthen market positions.
In this paper we will discuss banking innovations in the customer relationship system.
In this paper we will discuss banking innovations in the customer relationship system.
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საბანკო ინოვაციები კლიენტებთან ურთიერთობის სისტემაში თანამედროვე ეტაპზე
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