სოციალური კონტროლის ეფექტურობის ფსიქოლოგიური საფუძვლები
Date Issued
Deviation for each society is perceived differently. Behviour, which is deviation in one socium,
may be the confomal act in the other one, accordingly, mechanisms of social control is different.
There is no socium without deviation and crime, respectively, without social control. It is the way
to control individual behavior and whithout it social structure is going to disrupt.
The actuality of problem is caused by increasing the crime rate during last years in Georgia. In
2017 the total number of crimes was 37944 and in 2018 was increased dramatically – 58412, therefore
it became of a great importance to study how to decrease this rate. Because social control is the way
which stimulates crime rate in reducing the question is posed: maybe inappropriate functioning of
mechanisms of social control is causing the enlargement of this number?! For answering this question
is analysed different theories and stood out one aspect – what is fostering the strength of social
control? This is effective functioning of social integration, which, therefore is supported by strong
dispositional sets.
Consequently establishing strong dispositional sets are causing the stability of behavioural
models and for strong integration, notably is essential vigorous dispositional sets, which defines the
effectiveness of social control.
may be the confomal act in the other one, accordingly, mechanisms of social control is different.
There is no socium without deviation and crime, respectively, without social control. It is the way
to control individual behavior and whithout it social structure is going to disrupt.
The actuality of problem is caused by increasing the crime rate during last years in Georgia. In
2017 the total number of crimes was 37944 and in 2018 was increased dramatically – 58412, therefore
it became of a great importance to study how to decrease this rate. Because social control is the way
which stimulates crime rate in reducing the question is posed: maybe inappropriate functioning of
mechanisms of social control is causing the enlargement of this number?! For answering this question
is analysed different theories and stood out one aspect – what is fostering the strength of social
control? This is effective functioning of social integration, which, therefore is supported by strong
dispositional sets.
Consequently establishing strong dispositional sets are causing the stability of behavioural
models and for strong integration, notably is essential vigorous dispositional sets, which defines the
effectiveness of social control.
სამაგისტრო ნაშრომი, საბოლოო, მარიამ ცხადაძე 30.07.2019.pdf
სოციალური კონტროლის ეფექტურობის ფსიქოლოგიური საფუძვლები
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