სტარტაპების და ინოვაციური მეწარმეობის დაფინანსების წყაროების ხელმისაწვდომობა საქართველოში
Date Issued
The topic, which we have chosen with its research is very important today. Existence and then development of startup business is very important for country’s economy. Therefore, we have started research, because we are interested in what sort of environment is created for startup business in Georgia. The main purpose of research is that to reflect present situation of startup and also describe its positive and negative sides.
In the research, we have described startup and its types. Also, there are investments and source of funding, which are in our country. Of course, there are described legislative and tax regulations, which are in Georgia’s market.
Here’re represented country’s helper organizations, their programs and directions. Also, the experience of foreign startup business is discussed and the recommendations set out in our business sector are to be successful.
The main problem of start- upper’s is inaccessibility of finances, because there are less source of funding in Georgia. Also, there are less state programs. That’s why it’s important to grow role of government, because there will be more support for start-uppers and investments in the future.
In the research, we have described startup and its types. Also, there are investments and source of funding, which are in our country. Of course, there are described legislative and tax regulations, which are in Georgia’s market.
Here’re represented country’s helper organizations, their programs and directions. Also, the experience of foreign startup business is discussed and the recommendations set out in our business sector are to be successful.
The main problem of start- upper’s is inaccessibility of finances, because there are less source of funding in Georgia. Also, there are less state programs. That’s why it’s important to grow role of government, because there will be more support for start-uppers and investments in the future.
samagistro khvichia ia.pdf
სტარტაპების და ინოვაციური მეწარმეობის დაფინანსების წყაროების ხელმისაწვდომობა საქართველოში
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