დსთ-ს ქვეყნებიდან საქართველოში ტურისტული ნაკადების სტატისტიკური კვლევა
Date Issued
The importance ofthe Tourism sector in Georgia develops day by day. It’s due to the ability of
this sphere to help country gather economical wealth.Tourism isn’t only about relocating visitors
for fun, leisure or other social purposes, but it’s a business with great potential.
The aim of the given MA thesis is the statistic analysis of tourist flow from CIS to Georgia. The
given thesis describes: the stages of tourism development in Georgia,comprehensive analysis
ofmain trends and regularities,modern methodological issues of tourism statistics, according to the
World Global Index is analyzed Georgia's ranking positions in dynamics and also identified positive
and negative shifts according to subindexes.The special attention is focused on the statistical
analysis of tourist flows from the CIS to Georgia, in particular, its main indicators, geographical
structure, demographic data of flows, the purpose of arriving in Georgia,the structure of
expenditures etc.
According to the National Statistics Office of Georgia,theGeorgian National Tourism
Administration and cross-boundary data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the main trends have
been identified and relevant conclusions have been made
this sphere to help country gather economical wealth.Tourism isn’t only about relocating visitors
for fun, leisure or other social purposes, but it’s a business with great potential.
The aim of the given MA thesis is the statistic analysis of tourist flow from CIS to Georgia. The
given thesis describes: the stages of tourism development in Georgia,comprehensive analysis
ofmain trends and regularities,modern methodological issues of tourism statistics, according to the
World Global Index is analyzed Georgia's ranking positions in dynamics and also identified positive
and negative shifts according to subindexes.The special attention is focused on the statistical
analysis of tourist flows from the CIS to Georgia, in particular, its main indicators, geographical
structure, demographic data of flows, the purpose of arriving in Georgia,the structure of
expenditures etc.
According to the National Statistics Office of Georgia,theGeorgian National Tourism
Administration and cross-boundary data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the main trends have
been identified and relevant conclusions have been made
samagistro Sakhelashvili.pdf
დსთ-ს ქვეყნებიდან საქართველოში ტურისტული ნაკადების სტატისტიკური კვლევა
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