ფსიქოლოგიური კონტრაქტის, კონტროლის ლოკუსისა და კარიერული წარმატებულობის ურთიერთმიმართება
Date Issued
The present study is aimed at exploring of relationship between Psychological Contract, Locus of
Control and Carrer Success. Within the framework of the study, predictor of career success was
considered fullmilment of psychological contract, and Locus of Control is mediator, in particular
there are different kind of setisfaction level in case of different kind of Locus Control.
The Psychological Contract has regulatory function, which is more pronounced in relation to
internals, than the externals. According to this, internals are more career setisfied than externals.
The regulatory function of Psychological is moderator between Locus of control and carrer success.
In order to measure the variable, I applied the subjective career success questionnaire designed by
Hirsch et al. (2014), psychological contract questionnaire designed by Rousseau & Tijoriwala and
locus of control questionaire designed by Rotter and the regulatory function of Psychological
contract questionnaire of designed within the framework of the present study. The survey
conducted with 186 respondents. The reaserch demonstrated that fullmilment of psychological
contract is predictor of subjective carrer success, the fulfillment of obligations from employers side
appeared to be a stronger predictor (r=0.533; n=186; p<0.01), than from employees side (r=0.230;
n=186; p<0.01). The results demonstrated that locus of control is not strong predictors of
fullmilment of psychological contract because of unreliable statistical result (Pearson Corr.=0.99;
Sig. (2-tailed)=0.177; N=186). The regulatory function of Psychological contract is amplifier
between fullmilment of psychological contract and subjective carrer success. The regulatory
function of Psychological contract explain 28.5% (R
=0.285; F=36.496; p<0.01) of variance of
subjective career success. In general, the results demonstrate that the stronger predictor of
subjective career success is the regulatory function of Psychological contract, than fulfillment of
obligations from employers and fulfillment of obligations from employers is higher than fulfillment
of obligations from employees.
Control and Carrer Success. Within the framework of the study, predictor of career success was
considered fullmilment of psychological contract, and Locus of Control is mediator, in particular
there are different kind of setisfaction level in case of different kind of Locus Control.
The Psychological Contract has regulatory function, which is more pronounced in relation to
internals, than the externals. According to this, internals are more career setisfied than externals.
The regulatory function of Psychological is moderator between Locus of control and carrer success.
In order to measure the variable, I applied the subjective career success questionnaire designed by
Hirsch et al. (2014), psychological contract questionnaire designed by Rousseau & Tijoriwala and
locus of control questionaire designed by Rotter and the regulatory function of Psychological
contract questionnaire of designed within the framework of the present study. The survey
conducted with 186 respondents. The reaserch demonstrated that fullmilment of psychological
contract is predictor of subjective carrer success, the fulfillment of obligations from employers side
appeared to be a stronger predictor (r=0.533; n=186; p<0.01), than from employees side (r=0.230;
n=186; p<0.01). The results demonstrated that locus of control is not strong predictors of
fullmilment of psychological contract because of unreliable statistical result (Pearson Corr.=0.99;
Sig. (2-tailed)=0.177; N=186). The regulatory function of Psychological contract is amplifier
between fullmilment of psychological contract and subjective carrer success. The regulatory
function of Psychological contract explain 28.5% (R
=0.285; F=36.496; p<0.01) of variance of
subjective career success. In general, the results demonstrate that the stronger predictor of
subjective career success is the regulatory function of Psychological contract, than fulfillment of
obligations from employers and fulfillment of obligations from employers is higher than fulfillment
of obligations from employees.
სიქოლოგიური კონტრაქტის, კონტროლის ლოკუსისა და კარიერული წარმატებულობის ურთიერთმიმართება
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