მოქალაქეთა ჩართულობა მართლმსაჯულების პროცესში. სასამართლო მეგობრის ინსტიტუტი.
Date Issued
The institution of “the friend of the court” is a new concept for Georgian criminal law. The aim of the institution is to give people or other groups who are interested in the case of the trial but do not belong to either side the chance to present their arguments in court and participate in the trial process. The aim of this institution is to make a positive impact on the verdict of the court in order to improve its quality.
The topic of the research is to involve citizens in the trial process in order to show that any individual, field specialist, scientist, representative of an NGO, etc. can become “the friend of the court”.
The paper focuses on the legal status of the “friend of the court” as a particular participant in the trial process.
While observing the issue, we have used a complex approach, as well as legal, comparative-legal, historic, problem-theoretical, formal-logical, systematic methods, methods of analysis and synthesis. The novelty of the research is that the aim of the written statement must be not supporting either side but helping the court.
The actuality of the paper is to protect human rights and freedoms, equality before the law and struggle against discrimination.
The topic of the research is to involve citizens in the trial process in order to show that any individual, field specialist, scientist, representative of an NGO, etc. can become “the friend of the court”.
The paper focuses on the legal status of the “friend of the court” as a particular participant in the trial process.
While observing the issue, we have used a complex approach, as well as legal, comparative-legal, historic, problem-theoretical, formal-logical, systematic methods, methods of analysis and synthesis. The novelty of the research is that the aim of the written statement must be not supporting either side but helping the court.
The actuality of the paper is to protect human rights and freedoms, equality before the law and struggle against discrimination.
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მოქალაქეთა ჩართულობა მართლმსაჯულების პროცესში. სასამართლო მეგობრის ინსტიტუტი.
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