არიდების ქცევების (Withdrawal Behaviors) ინდივიდუალური და ორგანიზაციული პრედიქტორები
Date Issued
The main purpose of this study is to examine organizational and individual predictors of
withdrawal behaviors and determines their direct and indirect (Moderation and Mediation
effects) relationship. The organizational factors discussed in the study are: Organizational
justice and its forms – distributive, procedural and interactional justice, social support, role
conflict and role ambiguity. Individual factors include: Social loafing, sex and age. There is
separated one factor – Person-organizational fit.
The research was carried out among 250 employees (Female – 190; Male-60) with available
sample principle. The study results show that the most predictive values have organizational
justice and its two forms – distributive and interactional justice and role ambiguity.
Distributive and interactional justice predict variations of turnover intention and
accumulated variable of withdrawal behavior. Organizational justice is a statistically
significant predictor of turnover intention. Role ambiguity predicts variation of lateness,
turnover intention and accumulated withdrawal behavior variable.
The study results show that Social loafing is a statistically significant predictor of
absenteeism; Sex and age also can explain withdrawal behaviors variation. Social loafing is a
statistically significant moderator among the interaction of organizational justice and
withdrawal behavior; It also performs moderator role between the relationship of
organizational justice and absenteeism variations. Procedural justice is a reliable moderator
between the interaction of social loafing and absenteeism. A mediation effect has been
demonstrated in the relationship between organizational justice and accumulated
withdrawal behavior. This relationship is partial mediated by person-organizational fit.
withdrawal behaviors and determines their direct and indirect (Moderation and Mediation
effects) relationship. The organizational factors discussed in the study are: Organizational
justice and its forms – distributive, procedural and interactional justice, social support, role
conflict and role ambiguity. Individual factors include: Social loafing, sex and age. There is
separated one factor – Person-organizational fit.
The research was carried out among 250 employees (Female – 190; Male-60) with available
sample principle. The study results show that the most predictive values have organizational
justice and its two forms – distributive and interactional justice and role ambiguity.
Distributive and interactional justice predict variations of turnover intention and
accumulated variable of withdrawal behavior. Organizational justice is a statistically
significant predictor of turnover intention. Role ambiguity predicts variation of lateness,
turnover intention and accumulated withdrawal behavior variable.
The study results show that Social loafing is a statistically significant predictor of
absenteeism; Sex and age also can explain withdrawal behaviors variation. Social loafing is a
statistically significant moderator among the interaction of organizational justice and
withdrawal behavior; It also performs moderator role between the relationship of
organizational justice and absenteeism variations. Procedural justice is a reliable moderator
between the interaction of social loafing and absenteeism. A mediation effect has been
demonstrated in the relationship between organizational justice and accumulated
withdrawal behavior. This relationship is partial mediated by person-organizational fit.
სამაგისტრო ნაშრომი- ა.ჯალაბაძე.pdf
არიდების ქცევების (Withdrawal Behaviors) ინდივიდუალური და ორგანიზაციული პრედიქტორები
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