ეკოლოგიური დემოკრატიის განხორციელება აჭარის ავტონომიური რესპუბლიკის ტერიტორიაზე
Date Issued
Economic progress is directly proportional to ecological regression. Properly balancing the needs of the environment and society is an active problem for the modern world. Only the introduction of legal regulations and subsequent tightening could not ensure success in the face of this challenge. The agenda has gradually brought about the need for positive outcomes by prioritizing environmental interests over economic interests through the conscious participation and involvement of the public.
The paper „Implementation of Ecological Democracy on the Territory of the Autono-mo¬us Republic of Adjara“ discusses the degree of public awareness and involvement in solving environmental issues, as well as access to justice in this area.
The paper examines the role of one of the most important principles of environmental protection - public participation in decision-making - the exercise of power by the people as a source of power and the practical implementation of ecological democracy in terms of informing and involving the public in the decision-making process. Methods of its analysis, review of legal regulation, survey.
Based on the results of the research of the problematic issues presented in the paper, the recommendations proposed for their solution or correction will help to increase the real involvement of the society in the development of ecological democracy.
The paper „Implementation of Ecological Democracy on the Territory of the Autono-mo¬us Republic of Adjara“ discusses the degree of public awareness and involvement in solving environmental issues, as well as access to justice in this area.
The paper examines the role of one of the most important principles of environmental protection - public participation in decision-making - the exercise of power by the people as a source of power and the practical implementation of ecological democracy in terms of informing and involving the public in the decision-making process. Methods of its analysis, review of legal regulation, survey.
Based on the results of the research of the problematic issues presented in the paper, the recommendations proposed for their solution or correction will help to increase the real involvement of the society in the development of ecological democracy.
Davit Samnidze Samagistro.pdf
ეკოლოგიური დემოკრატიის განხორციელება აჭარის ავტონომიური რესპუბლიკის ტერიტორიაზე
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