The main priorities of post-Soviet Georgia's foreign policy
Date Issued
The phenomenon of smaller states in the post-Soviet space is more or less studied in the theory of international relationships. We considered as the main priority and the importance of foreign policy and the analysis of a small state like Georgia.
Georgia is one of the oldest countries in the world. In 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the country started to build independence again.
Georgia was always the bridge and one of the main connection between Europe and Asia, and geographically it was the shortest way.
It gives the country an important geopolitical and transit function. The region at the crossroads connecting Europe and Asia is very attractive.
In the master's survey we discussed the priorities of the country, the attitude towards after countries or alliances, and tried to evaluate the main priorities of Georgia's foreign policy.
The data used in our study gives us an overview of political orientation with its advantages and disadvantages.
The phenomenon of the small state in the post-soviet space, and the peculiarities of its foreign policy are inspected in a different and new way.
Georgia is one of the oldest countries in the world. In 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the country started to build independence again.
Georgia was always the bridge and one of the main connection between Europe and Asia, and geographically it was the shortest way.
It gives the country an important geopolitical and transit function. The region at the crossroads connecting Europe and Asia is very attractive.
In the master's survey we discussed the priorities of the country, the attitude towards after countries or alliances, and tried to evaluate the main priorities of Georgia's foreign policy.
The data used in our study gives us an overview of political orientation with its advantages and disadvantages.
The phenomenon of the small state in the post-soviet space, and the peculiarities of its foreign policy are inspected in a different and new way.
Salome Nozadze Samagistro.pdf
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