ქალაქის ყოფის ამსახველი თხზულებები ალექსანდრე ყაზბეგის მხატვრულ ნააზრევში
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The given MA thesis aims to research the literary works reflecting the city life by one of the great Georgian writers, Alexander Kazbegi. As the society is less familiar with Alexander Kazbegi in this regard, my interest to dwell upon this issue has been immensely strengthened. The first and the most important consideration in the work is the disclosure of the bourgeois-aristocratic society that is claimed to have the oppressive force in the works. The second but not the least important thing is to compare the life of the mountain and the valley, where we see radically different political and economic conditions. In addition, the focus falls on the moral side, which also clearly distinguishes the life in the mountain from that of the valley.
The writer's life is described as far as it concerns our topic. Just because of his biography, we conclude that the writer reprehends the city life and prefers to move to the mountain.
There are plenty of examples of the crimes committed by the bourgeois-aristocrats, Russian officials, diplomats, and others. It is clear that there is courage, friendship, love, self-sacrifice, and on the other hand, there is evil, ambition, sadness, grief, and envy.
This was the main reason for the author to describe Russian "civilization" with irony, which is characteristic of critical realism, and has nothing to do with perfection and calamity. This is exactly what Kazbegi tries to notice - the mountain retained its identity, its traditions, while the city was broken and easily surrendered to the newly introduced way of life.
In conclusion, we should say that Kazbegi's humanistic ideas have produced the result and, if not on his day, they were acknowledged after his death.
The writer's life is described as far as it concerns our topic. Just because of his biography, we conclude that the writer reprehends the city life and prefers to move to the mountain.
There are plenty of examples of the crimes committed by the bourgeois-aristocrats, Russian officials, diplomats, and others. It is clear that there is courage, friendship, love, self-sacrifice, and on the other hand, there is evil, ambition, sadness, grief, and envy.
This was the main reason for the author to describe Russian "civilization" with irony, which is characteristic of critical realism, and has nothing to do with perfection and calamity. This is exactly what Kazbegi tries to notice - the mountain retained its identity, its traditions, while the city was broken and easily surrendered to the newly introduced way of life.
In conclusion, we should say that Kazbegi's humanistic ideas have produced the result and, if not on his day, they were acknowledged after his death.
samagistro gogiberidze.pdf
ქალაქის ყოფის ამსახველი თხზულებები ალექსანდრე ყაზბეგის მხატვრულ ნააზრევში
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