ინოვაციების გავლენა მცირე და საშუალო ბიზნესის მწარმოებლურობაზე
Date Issued
This paper is about the influence of innovation on small and medium-sized business. In the
research readers will come across the definition of the following terms: small and medium-sized
enterprises. The paper defines how important suck kind of business is for economy. This research
also emphasizes the importance of small and medium-sized business and their role in formation
gross domestic product, having new work places, creating innovation, technologies and etc. Also
developing competition in market economy, increasing quality of products that is produced in
economy and constantly making producing costs decrease. This research also defines innovation in
general and its role in market economy. The importance of innovations in administrating small and
medium-sized enterprises and their special role in creating and managing such business.
Nowadays, in the circumstances of rapid diffusion of globalization and technological knowledge
firms have to adopt more innovations and increase technological abilities. This can be realized by
Research&Development or access to external technological knowledge.
Innovations are very important for firms’ strategy formation to grow and develop in competitive
environment. Any nation’s economic development depends on the members of their society and
small and medium-sized firms’ capabilities. small and medium-sized firms remain as catalyst of
economic development in developed and developing countries. They provide employment growth,
development of entrepreneurship and GDP growth. Technological progress is priority for all the
countries wanting to develop. Without innovation diffusion innovation would have small social
and economic impact. Innovation that is associated with competitiveness, productivity and
increasing employment is essential force for economic growth.
research readers will come across the definition of the following terms: small and medium-sized
enterprises. The paper defines how important suck kind of business is for economy. This research
also emphasizes the importance of small and medium-sized business and their role in formation
gross domestic product, having new work places, creating innovation, technologies and etc. Also
developing competition in market economy, increasing quality of products that is produced in
economy and constantly making producing costs decrease. This research also defines innovation in
general and its role in market economy. The importance of innovations in administrating small and
medium-sized enterprises and their special role in creating and managing such business.
Nowadays, in the circumstances of rapid diffusion of globalization and technological knowledge
firms have to adopt more innovations and increase technological abilities. This can be realized by
Research&Development or access to external technological knowledge.
Innovations are very important for firms’ strategy formation to grow and develop in competitive
environment. Any nation’s economic development depends on the members of their society and
small and medium-sized firms’ capabilities. small and medium-sized firms remain as catalyst of
economic development in developed and developing countries. They provide employment growth,
development of entrepreneurship and GDP growth. Technological progress is priority for all the
countries wanting to develop. Without innovation diffusion innovation would have small social
and economic impact. Innovation that is associated with competitiveness, productivity and
increasing employment is essential force for economic growth.
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ინოვაციების გავლენა მცირე და საშუალო ბიზნესის მწარმოებლურობაზე
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