ფინანსური შედეგებისა და ფინანსური მდგომარეობის ანალიზი შპს ,,ჯორჯიან უოთერ ენდ ფაუერი“-ს მაგალითზე
Date Issued
The given Master’s thesis was presented by the student of master program faculty of Economics
and Business at Tbilisi State University Veriko Papidze.
Master's thesis is done for the purpose to get Master degree of Business Administration. The
topic of the master's thesis is – Analysis of financial results and financial position (based on the
records of LTD Georgian Water and Power).
Here is an analysis of the financial results and condition of the enterprise, by using appropriate
methods and indicators. First of all analyzed "full revenue report", reviewed revenues, expenses
and significant indicators by dynamical, structural and factor analysis.
After profitability assessment and analysis, we got picture of enterprise about financial
situation. In particular assessed providing of financial resources, solvency and liquidity and
production-financing leveraging issues by horizontal, vertical and factor analysis of the
corresponding indicators.
This theme is an analysis of enterprise of the role and general assessment of the activity. By
assessing the results of the analysis, the final conclusions and ways of improving efficiency are
set out.
and Business at Tbilisi State University Veriko Papidze.
Master's thesis is done for the purpose to get Master degree of Business Administration. The
topic of the master's thesis is – Analysis of financial results and financial position (based on the
records of LTD Georgian Water and Power).
Here is an analysis of the financial results and condition of the enterprise, by using appropriate
methods and indicators. First of all analyzed "full revenue report", reviewed revenues, expenses
and significant indicators by dynamical, structural and factor analysis.
After profitability assessment and analysis, we got picture of enterprise about financial
situation. In particular assessed providing of financial resources, solvency and liquidity and
production-financing leveraging issues by horizontal, vertical and factor analysis of the
corresponding indicators.
This theme is an analysis of enterprise of the role and general assessment of the activity. By
assessing the results of the analysis, the final conclusions and ways of improving efficiency are
set out.
papidze veriko.pdf
ფინანსური შედეგებისა და ფინანსური მდგომარეობის ანალიზი შპს ,,ჯორჯიან უოთერ ენდ ფაუერი“-ს მაგალითზე
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