ქალთა თანასწორობა ადამიანის უფლებების ეროვნული ინსტიტუტების სახელმძღვანელო ეკონომიკური, სოციალური და კულტურული უფლებების შესახებ
Date Issued
The subject of analysis of the master's thesis is as follows: Georgian translation of the 2nd and 3rd modules of Equality for Women: A Handbook for NHRIs on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
This handbook was published in 2008 by International Centre for Human Rights Education (Equitas) acting in Canada. The scope of activity of this international center is advancing equality, social justice and respect for human dignity in Canada and around the world. This publication was made possible by the generous support of the following organizations: U N D P (Asia Pacific Gender Mainstreaming Programme; Asia Regional Governance Programme), British Council and Canadian International Development Agency.
The 2nd and 3rd modules selected by me for translation, discuss ESC (economic, social, cultural) rights of women, their interdependence, the particular challenge of rights and cases occurring due to human rights violations. In addition, the translation reviews the key elements of the legal framework as it applies to women’s equality and economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights, and the role of national human rights institutions (NHRIs) in the protection of those rights.
On the first page of this handbook, there is Adetoun O. Ilumoka’s Quote: Like all standards and aspirations, women’s economic, social and cultural rights ultimately depend on the ability to enforce them.”
From this quotation it is evident, that this Handbook is dedicated to individuals and institutions working to promote and protect the economic, social and cultural rights of women. International Centre for Human Rights Education hopes that on the basis of the materials and examples described in this handbook, National Human Rights Institutions and governments of different countries, in collaboration with each other, will provide creative, effective and sustainable ways to improve the daily lives of women and girls.
The subject of analysis of the master's thesis is as follows: Georgian translation of the 2nd and 3rd modules of Equality for Women: A Handbook for NHRIs on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
This handbook was published in 2008 by International Centre for Human Rights Education (Equitas) acting in Canada. The scope of activity of this international center is advancing equality, social justice and respect for human dignity in Canada and around the world. This publication was made possible by the generous support of the following organizations: U N D P (Asia Pacific Gender Mainstreaming Programme; Asia Regional Governance Programme), British Council and Canadian International Development Agency.
The 2nd and 3rd modules selected by me for translation, discuss ESC (economic, social, cultural) rights of women, their interdependence, the particular challenge of rights and cases occurring due to human rights violations. In addition, the translation reviews the key elements of the legal framework as it applies to women’s equality and economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights, and the role of national human rights institutions (NHRIs) in the protection of those rights.
On the first page of this handbook, there is Adetoun O. Ilumoka’s Quote: Like all standards and aspirations, women’s economic, social and cultural rights ultimately depend on the ability to enforce them.”
From this quotation it is evident, that this Handbook is dedicated to individuals and institutions working to promote and protect the economic, social and cultural rights of women. International Centre for Human Rights Education hopes that on the basis of the materials and examples described in this handbook, National Human Rights Institutions and governments of different countries, in collaboration with each other, will provide creative, effective and sustainable ways to improve the daily lives of women and girls.
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ქალთა თანასწორობა ადამიანის უფლებების ეროვნული ინსტიტუტების სახელმძღვანელო ეკონომიკური, სოციალური და კულტურული უფლებების შესახებ
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