სტრატეგიული დამრტყმელი შეიარაღება და მისი განმსაზღვრელი პოლიტიკა ევროატლანტიკური უსაფრთხოების გეოსტრატეგიის კონტექსტში: ნატო და მასობრივი განადგურების იარაღი
Date Issued
The dissertation paper is devoted to strategic strike weapons and its defining
policies in the Euro-Atlantic Security Geostrategy. In particular, it discusses the role
and importance of NATO and weapons of mass destruction in world politics, what
impact they have on various processes in the context of global security. The paper
analyzes the factor of strategic strike weapons and weapons of mass destruction,
what impact they have on the policies of the Euro-Atlantic Alliance and the states
within it, the rest of the world, and geopolitical processes in general. Besides, the
key factors in maintaining global security are identified that contribute to providing
security or delay this process.
The paper consists of an introduction, three chapters, nine subchapters,
expert researche, and a conclusion, and is accompanied by a bibliography and
annexes as well.
In the introduction the relevance of the research topic is discussed; The
purpose of the research, the objectives, the subject of the research, the theoretical
methodological foundations are presented; The main results and scientific novelty
of the paper are formulated; The scientific novelty of the paper and the information
base is shown.
policies in the Euro-Atlantic Security Geostrategy. In particular, it discusses the role
and importance of NATO and weapons of mass destruction in world politics, what
impact they have on various processes in the context of global security. The paper
analyzes the factor of strategic strike weapons and weapons of mass destruction,
what impact they have on the policies of the Euro-Atlantic Alliance and the states
within it, the rest of the world, and geopolitical processes in general. Besides, the
key factors in maintaining global security are identified that contribute to providing
security or delay this process.
The paper consists of an introduction, three chapters, nine subchapters,
expert researche, and a conclusion, and is accompanied by a bibliography and
annexes as well.
In the introduction the relevance of the research topic is discussed; The
purpose of the research, the objectives, the subject of the research, the theoretical
methodological foundations are presented; The main results and scientific novelty
of the paper are formulated; The scientific novelty of the paper and the information
base is shown.
Sadoktoro Guchua.pdf
სტრატეგიული დამრტყმელი შეიარაღება და მისი განმსაზღვრელი პოლიტიკა ევროატლანტიკური უსაფრთხოების გეოსტრატეგიის კონტექსტში: ნატო და მასობრივი განადგურების იარაღი
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