სომხების იდენტობა 1918-1921 წლების საქართველოს დემოკრატიულ რესპუბლიკაში
Date Issued
The purpose of this paper is to ascertain how Armenians perceived themselves in the Democratic Republic of Georgia in the period of independence (1918-1921) and the factors which conditioned such perception. According to the hypothesis, Armenian political and intellectual elite, living and acting in Tbilisi represented a power, which played an important role in the formation of Armenian identity generally and by the influence of which there was forming the identity of Armenians, who lived in Georgia, their self-perception and attitude towards Georgians and Georgia.
In order to approve the hypothesis, it is necessary to analyse the role of diaspora in the formation of Armenian identity and the peculiarities of identity of Armenians living in Georgia.
We should note that after declaring of the independence of Georgia, a new reality emerged not only for Georgians, but also for Armenians living in this country. Accordingly, the reaction and attitude of Armenian population represents a big interest, especially towards the following issues: declaring of the independence of Georgia; choosing Tbilisi as a capital of the country; homeland perception and citizenship issue; Georgian language in non-Georgian schools; territorial issues and perception of Georgians. In addition, it is important to analyse Georgian-Armenian conflict which occured in 1918 and to show the position of Armenians living in Georgia towards this issue. The position of Armenians on above-mentioned issues is the way to understand their identity.
The research question of this paper is “How did Armenians living in Georgia perceive themselves in the Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921) and what conditioned such perception?” The most relevant theory, which answers the research question, is instrumentalism of Paul Brass.
In order to approve the hypothesis, it is necessary to analyse the role of diaspora in the formation of Armenian identity and the peculiarities of identity of Armenians living in Georgia.
We should note that after declaring of the independence of Georgia, a new reality emerged not only for Georgians, but also for Armenians living in this country. Accordingly, the reaction and attitude of Armenian population represents a big interest, especially towards the following issues: declaring of the independence of Georgia; choosing Tbilisi as a capital of the country; homeland perception and citizenship issue; Georgian language in non-Georgian schools; territorial issues and perception of Georgians. In addition, it is important to analyse Georgian-Armenian conflict which occured in 1918 and to show the position of Armenians living in Georgia towards this issue. The position of Armenians on above-mentioned issues is the way to understand their identity.
The research question of this paper is “How did Armenians living in Georgia perceive themselves in the Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921) and what conditioned such perception?” The most relevant theory, which answers the research question, is instrumentalism of Paul Brass.
MA Thesis. Pichikyan nac.pdf
სომხების იდენტობა 1918-1921 წლების საქართველოს დემოკრატიულ რესპუბლიკაში
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