სამოქალაქო ნაციონალიზმის ფორმირების მცდელობა 1918-1921 წლებში საქართველოს დემოკრატიულ რესპუბლიკაში
Date Issued
The purpose of this paper is to determine the significance of the nation in the Democratic Republic of Georgia in 1918-1921 and to answer the question of how of this period the Georgian nationalism was formed.
In the research process was reveald a hypothesis – political leaders of 1918-1921 Democratic Republic of Georgia, as the pressures on society minds, nation understood as a civil union and this period nationalism is forming as a civil nationalism and its principles are defence and spread of in society by the elites.
In order to check the hypothesis, the paper discusses the period of formation Georgia’s democratic Republic, the policies pursued by political parties and their leaders, the steps taken against the government of the Democratic Republic of Georgia that caused tension the situation.
The theoretical framework is based on modernism and one of its direction – political transpormation. One author of this direction is John Bryly, who considering nationalism as a form of politics. Nationalism is the unity of the two directions – the nation, as a political unity and the nation, as a cultural unity.
In the research process was reveald a hypothesis – political leaders of 1918-1921 Democratic Republic of Georgia, as the pressures on society minds, nation understood as a civil union and this period nationalism is forming as a civil nationalism and its principles are defence and spread of in society by the elites.
In order to check the hypothesis, the paper discusses the period of formation Georgia’s democratic Republic, the policies pursued by political parties and their leaders, the steps taken against the government of the Democratic Republic of Georgia that caused tension the situation.
The theoretical framework is based on modernism and one of its direction – political transpormation. One author of this direction is John Bryly, who considering nationalism as a form of politics. Nationalism is the unity of the two directions – the nation, as a political unity and the nation, as a cultural unity.
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სამოქალაქო ნაციონალიზმის ფორმირების მცდელობა 1918-1921 წლებში საქართველოს დემოკრატიულ რესპუბლიკაში
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