რუსეთის ეკონომიკური სანქციების გავლენა მოლდოვის პროდასავლურ საგარეო პოლიტიკურ კურსზე
Date Issued
The aim of this thesis is to examine the issues of the pro-Western foreign policy of Moldova and causes of changes which occurred in it. I will review the reasons why origioned changes in the pro-Western foreign policy of Moldova.
The thesis focuses on the following research question: Why origioned changes in the pro-Western foreign policy of Moldova towards pro-Russian foreign policy? The following hypothesis was proposed in course of the research: Changes in the pro-Western foreign policy of Moldova towards pro-Russian foreign policy was caused by the economic sanctions imposed by Russia on Moldova, although it was promoted by the corruption scandale which occurred in 2014.
Daniel W. Drezner’s conflict expectations model is applied to the research to prove hypothesis.
The author will try to reveal to the readers the impact of Russian economic sanctions on the pro-Western foreign policy of Moldova.
Finally, the hypothesis will be proved by the use of different analytical works – articles, reports, researches, considarations of different authores, official announcments and documents.
The thesis focuses on the following research question: Why origioned changes in the pro-Western foreign policy of Moldova towards pro-Russian foreign policy? The following hypothesis was proposed in course of the research: Changes in the pro-Western foreign policy of Moldova towards pro-Russian foreign policy was caused by the economic sanctions imposed by Russia on Moldova, although it was promoted by the corruption scandale which occurred in 2014.
Daniel W. Drezner’s conflict expectations model is applied to the research to prove hypothesis.
The author will try to reveal to the readers the impact of Russian economic sanctions on the pro-Western foreign policy of Moldova.
Finally, the hypothesis will be proved by the use of different analytical works – articles, reports, researches, considarations of different authores, official announcments and documents.
MA Thesis.Malakmadze (1).pdf
რუსეთის ეკონომიკური სანქციების გავლენა მოლდოვის პროდასავლურ საგარეო პოლიტიკურ კურსზე
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