Georgian wine companies and their export strategies
Date Issued
Georgian wine history is one of the oldest in Europe. The earliest marks of viticulture and wine production are found in Georgia till now. About 7,000 years ago Georgian nation was producing wine, which fact grants the county the name of “Wine’s homeland”. Winemaking industry was considered as a priority for Georgia and nowadays globalization requires standardization and branding of unique methods, what is are so praiseworth from our history. Over the last decades, the events that took place over time have been quite positive, even the most negative Russian embargo has finally proved positive because Georgian winemakers became encouraged to step in new markets. On the basis of which the standards of wine production and marketing communications were encouraged to grow, as businessmans realized global spreading competition. They started to implement new hign-tecs and inovvative technologies. Although Georgian wines occupy a very small place on the world market, but for a small country like our country is, the recognition of the Qvevri wine from the UNESCO is quite a big achievement. This fact gives us opportunity to think positive about Georgian wine’s future big deal in the worlds wine market.
The paper deals with Georgian wine and it’s role in the country’s economy, the wine market development trends, Georgian wine producing companies and their export strategies. In the fourth chapter there is the study of export potential of Georgian wine market, which is conducted through a survey.
The paper deals with Georgian wine and it’s role in the country’s economy, the wine market development trends, Georgian wine producing companies and their export strategies. In the fourth chapter there is the study of export potential of Georgian wine market, which is conducted through a survey.
Giorgi Robitashvili.pdf
ქართული ღვინის კომპანიების უცხოურ ბაზრებზე გასვლის სტრატეგიები შპს ქინძმარაულის მაგალითზე
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