Social and economic issues in the Constituent Assembly of Georgia
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The Democratic Republic of Georgia had to exist in the most difficult social and economic conditions. The newly established state needed to implement a sufficient and effective financial-economic policy in order to maintain democratic development and sovereignty. To aim this goal, together with the government, the most important contribution was made by the supreme legislative body of the country - the Constituent Assembly.
The aim of the thesis is to study the economic and social policies elaborated and regulated by the Constituent Assembly of Georgia, based on the first sources (shorthand records of the Constituent Assembly, archival materials, periodical media, memoirs) and the existing scientific literature on the subject. In particular, what kind of state was built by the founding fathers; What were the main features of the socio-economic policy of the First Republic; What influence did it have on the public life, what factors influenced its formation, etc.
The structure of the research topic is the following: The paper consists of an annotation (in Georgian and English), an introductory part, five chapters and a conclusion, which is accompanied by the bibliography. In thesis are used research methods of historicism, chronological, historical-comparative and content analysis.
The selected problem for thesis is interesting insofar as it combines and analyzes in one topic the legal acts of both economic and social content issued by the Constituent Assembly. Discusses the debates and party positions around the country's supreme financial document - the Budget. In the paper, an important part is dedicated to the thirteenth chapter of the Constitution adopted in 1921, which is entirely devoted to the social and economic rights of the citizens of Georgia.
Study of the peculiarities of the economic model and social policy of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, analysis of the decisions made on socio-economic issues in the supreme legislative body of the country, as well as study of the experience gained in terms of their implementation in 1918-1921, ensures additional opportunities for better understanding and representation of the history of Georgia.
The aim of the thesis is to study the economic and social policies elaborated and regulated by the Constituent Assembly of Georgia, based on the first sources (shorthand records of the Constituent Assembly, archival materials, periodical media, memoirs) and the existing scientific literature on the subject. In particular, what kind of state was built by the founding fathers; What were the main features of the socio-economic policy of the First Republic; What influence did it have on the public life, what factors influenced its formation, etc.
The structure of the research topic is the following: The paper consists of an annotation (in Georgian and English), an introductory part, five chapters and a conclusion, which is accompanied by the bibliography. In thesis are used research methods of historicism, chronological, historical-comparative and content analysis.
The selected problem for thesis is interesting insofar as it combines and analyzes in one topic the legal acts of both economic and social content issued by the Constituent Assembly. Discusses the debates and party positions around the country's supreme financial document - the Budget. In the paper, an important part is dedicated to the thirteenth chapter of the Constitution adopted in 1921, which is entirely devoted to the social and economic rights of the citizens of Georgia.
Study of the peculiarities of the economic model and social policy of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, analysis of the decisions made on socio-economic issues in the supreme legislative body of the country, as well as study of the experience gained in terms of their implementation in 1918-1921, ensures additional opportunities for better understanding and representation of the history of Georgia.
Ilia Berianidze Samagistro.pdf
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