სათამაშო ბიზნესის როლი ქვეყნის ეკონომიკაში
Date Issued
In Master's Thesis "The role of gambling business in the country's economy" is reviewed the history of gambling business development in the world, history of gambling business development in Georgia
The study analyzes the gambling business, namely the regulation of the lottery, gambling and lucrative games and issuing permits, as well as control of the performance of the permit conditions. The statistics of trusted entities in Georgia are listed according to years. Analyzing the revenues received from gambling business in Georgia's state budget: taxes and tax statistics. Money laundering and other possible risks associated with gaming business are also given.
According to the conclusion, since gaining independence of Georgia, gambling business has begun with very high pace. In Georgia, the tax rate, based on the number of gaming devices, is the most effective means of taxing this business. In the case of inefficient regulation, gambling business can become a serious social problem, but in case of a balanced approach, social risks are minimal.
Gambling business in the revenues of Georgia's compound budget holds no more than 2% and can be boldly said that gambling business is one of the largest fillers of the country's treasury. At the same time gambling business promotes tourism development in Georgia and the region.
The study analyzes the gambling business, namely the regulation of the lottery, gambling and lucrative games and issuing permits, as well as control of the performance of the permit conditions. The statistics of trusted entities in Georgia are listed according to years. Analyzing the revenues received from gambling business in Georgia's state budget: taxes and tax statistics. Money laundering and other possible risks associated with gaming business are also given.
According to the conclusion, since gaining independence of Georgia, gambling business has begun with very high pace. In Georgia, the tax rate, based on the number of gaming devices, is the most effective means of taxing this business. In the case of inefficient regulation, gambling business can become a serious social problem, but in case of a balanced approach, social risks are minimal.
Gambling business in the revenues of Georgia's compound budget holds no more than 2% and can be boldly said that gambling business is one of the largest fillers of the country's treasury. At the same time gambling business promotes tourism development in Georgia and the region.
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სათამაშო ბიზნესის როლი ქვეყნის ეკონომიკაში
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