Participation of the Georgian Political Emigrants in the Conferences in Wiesbaden and Starnberg (1951-1952)
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During the period of the “cold war”, which started after the Second World War, public organization American Committee, founded in USA, aimed to create an anti-Bolshevik organization by means of unification of the political emigrants of all nations living in the Soviet Union. This was the purpose of the conference of the Soviet Union nations’ political emigrants, which was held in Wiesbaden in 1951. On the conference the following topics were discussed: a) national problem; b) title of the future association; c) organizational issues. Conference in Wiesbaden was the first case, when the Russian and non-Russian emigrant associations gathered for discussion. The declaration passed on this conference was the first political act against Bolshevik regime issued by the representatives of Russian and the other nations. Next conference was held in Starnberg on June 19-21, 1952. Aim of this conference was again creation of the anti-Bolshevik center. Finally, result of the conference was establishment of the two committees – radio and international political block. The work of the Political Committee was ended with organization of the plenary session. During this session was created “organizational center, activities of which, in spite of all difficulties, lasted for two years and then was dissolved. The fact of participation of the Georgian emigrants in the historiography of these conferences are not studied yet. But this information is extremely important for investigation of a) activities of the Georgian political emigrants; b) interest of the USA’s government towards Georgian emigrants during the period of “the cold war and c) relations with the Russian emigrants
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ქართული პოლიტიკური ემიგრაციის მონაწილეობა ვისბადენისა და შტარნბერგის კონფერენციებში (1951-1952).pdf
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