ევროკავშირის თანამშრომლობა გაეროსთან მშვიდობისა დაუსაფრთხოების უზრუნველყოფის სფეროში: ცვალებადი დამოკიდებულების მიზეზები
Date Issued
The purpose of the research is to analyze EU cooperation with the UN in the field of maintaining peace and security. Focus is made on the cooperation in peacekeeping operations.
A policy field, where EU’s involvement was minimal throughout a long period, became a priority for the EU form 2000s. Nowadays the EU is considered as one of the most important partners in crisis management, especially for the UN. The EU often conducts peacekeeping operations on the basis of the UN request. Though, the process of cooperation is changeable.
The main research question is: What causes the varying attitudes of the EU towards the UN in the field of maintaining peace and security?
The research demonstrates, that the great powers of the EU have the key role in the decision making process; decisions are made on the intergovernmental level; political and economic interests are the driving factors of the process. Accordingly, the hypothesis of the research states that the changing political and economic interests of the big states causes the varying attitude of the EU towards the UN in the field of maintaining peace and security.
The research uses the theoretical framework of Intergovernmentalism. It was originally developed for the explanation of the regional integration, but it also explains the topic that is introduced in the research and helps to analyze the hypothesis. The research uses the qualitative research method and relies on the Case Study methodology. During the research, primary as well as the secondary sources are analyzed.
A policy field, where EU’s involvement was minimal throughout a long period, became a priority for the EU form 2000s. Nowadays the EU is considered as one of the most important partners in crisis management, especially for the UN. The EU often conducts peacekeeping operations on the basis of the UN request. Though, the process of cooperation is changeable.
The main research question is: What causes the varying attitudes of the EU towards the UN in the field of maintaining peace and security?
The research demonstrates, that the great powers of the EU have the key role in the decision making process; decisions are made on the intergovernmental level; political and economic interests are the driving factors of the process. Accordingly, the hypothesis of the research states that the changing political and economic interests of the big states causes the varying attitude of the EU towards the UN in the field of maintaining peace and security.
The research uses the theoretical framework of Intergovernmentalism. It was originally developed for the explanation of the regional integration, but it also explains the topic that is introduced in the research and helps to analyze the hypothesis. The research uses the qualitative research method and relies on the Case Study methodology. During the research, primary as well as the secondary sources are analyzed.
MA Thesis. Dzamukashvili (2).pdf
ევროკავშირის თანამშრომლობა გაეროსთან მშვიდობისა და უსაფრთხოების უზრუნველყოფის სფეროში: ცვალებადი დამოკიდებულების მიზეზები
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