აფხაზეთის კონფლიქტი: ქართული და აფხაზური ნარატივები კინემატოგრაფიაში
Date Issued
The present master's thesis is a comparative analysis of Georgian and Abkhazian films about
Georgian-Abkhazian conflict in 1992-1993. Resolving conflict is impossible if we do not
understand national attitudes of Georgian and Abkhazian societies. So it is important to study
their national narratives and collective momery. This study aims to analyse how films shape
national narratives of the war in Georgian and Abkhazian societies. Research discusses reasons
and results of the conflict. Study of movies highlights views of post-conflict societies about each
other and about russia’s role in the conflict. Furthermore it helps us to understand their hopes
for the future.
The study is a qualitative research. I am going to use multiple case-study design. Discourse
analysis of Georgian and Abkhazian films were used during the research process. In addition
scientific research papers, some electronic media resources and books were analyzed for data
collection and analysis.
Modernism is the main theoretical framework in the research. Modernists argue that
nationalism is a new phenomenon. It is a product of specific effects of the modern development.
There are represented theoretical narratives of Michel Billig and Benedict Anderson. Reminding
of nationhood is a countinual process. It is embedded in banal practices of everyday life.
According to this study one of the banal reminder of nationhood is film. In addition we analyze
Pierre Nora’s theory about sites of memory. From this perspective films are sites of memories.
They are used by Georgian and Abkhazian society to localize, maintain and reproduce memory
of the war.
Georgian-Abkhazian conflict in 1992-1993. Resolving conflict is impossible if we do not
understand national attitudes of Georgian and Abkhazian societies. So it is important to study
their national narratives and collective momery. This study aims to analyse how films shape
national narratives of the war in Georgian and Abkhazian societies. Research discusses reasons
and results of the conflict. Study of movies highlights views of post-conflict societies about each
other and about russia’s role in the conflict. Furthermore it helps us to understand their hopes
for the future.
The study is a qualitative research. I am going to use multiple case-study design. Discourse
analysis of Georgian and Abkhazian films were used during the research process. In addition
scientific research papers, some electronic media resources and books were analyzed for data
collection and analysis.
Modernism is the main theoretical framework in the research. Modernists argue that
nationalism is a new phenomenon. It is a product of specific effects of the modern development.
There are represented theoretical narratives of Michel Billig and Benedict Anderson. Reminding
of nationhood is a countinual process. It is embedded in banal practices of everyday life.
According to this study one of the banal reminder of nationhood is film. In addition we analyze
Pierre Nora’s theory about sites of memory. From this perspective films are sites of memories.
They are used by Georgian and Abkhazian society to localize, maintain and reproduce memory
of the war.
აფხაზეთის კონფლიქტი: ქართული და აფხაზური ნარატივები კინემატოგრაფიაში
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